EVERYTHING IS RACIST according to racists – IOTW Report

EVERYTHING IS RACIST according to racists


Remember when this ESPN writer was seen choking his wife outside a pizzeria. Multiple witnesses saw it, and someone called the cops. When they arrived Howard went off on them. Howard said he was innocent, then his wife stepped forward and said Howard was arrested because he’s black. (How hard was his grip on her neck in private when he forced her to save his career and her gravy train? I’m speculating.)

TheSportsGrid.com says HE DIDN’T!! choke his wife (they were there, apparently) and cited the court settlement. But they’re sad, nonetheless, because when you google this taints name the choking story comes up.

Hopefully, this story will have a happy ending. Hopefully ESPN, which, Stout notes, has commendably stood by Bryant through this whole thing, will continue to do so. Hopefully Bryant will get back to where he was before he had a regrettable public argument with his wife in the parking lot of a pizzeria. Hopefully.

Why am I resurrecting this story?

Because this shitstain has a history of writing ridiculous racist stories and I don’t like him. That’s why.

What’s his latest?

Just in time for memorial day, he writes that the singing of the national anthem by the police before sporting events is racist.


Bryant summarized police brutality anecdotal evidence from Chicago, Baltimore, New York City and Cleveland before diving in.

Policing is clearly one of the most divisive issues in the country – except in the sports arena, where the post-9/11 hero narrative has been so deeply embedded within its game-day fabric that policing is seen as clean, heroic, uncomplicated. Following the marketing strategy of the military, police advocacy organizations have partnered with teams from all four major leagues to host ‘Law Enforcement Appreciation’ nights, or similar events.

The horror!

In Bryant’s Manichean worldview, supporting police means the poor don’t matter. Bryant may have also thrown some shade toward his fellow social justice warrior colleagues at ESPN magazine, for blaming rich athletes for not speaking out on liberal issues when the real fault lies with ownership, “a chilling force looming over them.” (In “Waiting for LeBron,” an ESPN magazine essay in early May, Eli Saslow pondered why Cleveland Cavaliers basketball legend LeBron James backed off anti-gun activism.)

Nobody seems to care much about this authoritarian shift at the ballpark, yet the media and the public are quick to demand accountability from players they consider insufficiently activist. They blame these black players for not speaking up on behalf of their communities, ignoring the smothering effect that staged patriotism and cops singing the national anthem in a time of Ferguson have on player expression. It’s indirectly stifled, while the increasing police pageantry at games sends another clear message: The sentiments of the poor in Ferguson and Cleveland do not matter….While athletes are routinely criticized for “not doing more,” it is conveniently ignored how deeply their employers have mobilized against the most powerless elements of their fan base.

Bryant has made a hobby horse of what he sees as the lamentable patriotic events before professional sports events, especially in the wake of police controversies and the era of Black Lives Matter. In November 2015 he wrote “Are You Ready for Some Patriotism?” one of several clunky pieces from Bryant taking on the military and police culture. Bryant even argued that Veterans Day was a slap in the face to American Indians (and don’t get him started on cops singing the National Anthem).


Go choke your white wife. She deserves it. She’s culturally appropriated blacks.

(Don’t you love how Obama has unified the races??)


42 Comments on EVERYTHING IS RACIST according to racists

  1. I bet a solid nickel this ass NEVER sets foot in the Chicago Southside, in certain sections of Harlem, in Compton, in Detroit Cleveland and Ferguson. Is it because he’s racist?
    But if he just HAD to go to those sections of town, and was attacked, wouldn’t he want to strike back in defense? Probably yes. Well that describes the cops’ situation.
    It is getting really tiresome to hear these shit disturbers trying to gin up racist unpatriotic attitudes about America. There is no institutional racism – in fact there are more laws banning discrimination, racism in particular, in America than in any other country.
    Shut up. Quit whining. Get with the program. Support your country.

  2. The belief that others see the world the same way as oneself is widespread even though it is absolutely false.
    That is why racists tend to believe that most everybody is just as racist as they are.

  3. Soooo … you’re implying that there IS such a thing as Objective Reality?

    Not a Subjective Reality which exists merely through our perceptions, and interpretations, of existence?

    Hmm. Can you prove it?
    Don’t forget (even for an instant) that the electron has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to be particulate – and a wave.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Thank you JohnS for that pearl of profound wisdom. Whatever it means. The belief that others see the world the same way as oneself is absolutely false and IS NOT widespread in our society. Another straw man attempt?

  5. Moetom,
    That’s the first thing JohnS wrote that didn’t blame Mr. Trump for something!
    I think it’s a breakthrough!
    The light may be – just may be – penetrating the darkness … somewhat.

    (must I mention this is a stab at humor?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Iim. Gotcha. I’m having a terrible time posting. It’s like root canal. The screen keeps freezing, jumping, skipping. There I got the message out> Houston we have a problem. Am I alone? BFH, you there?

  7. Objective reality exists, and science exists to quantify and prove it.
    Also, and electron is NOT both a particle and a wave except under quantum physics theories that hold that all matter can be described by wave theory (so far that has not been able to accurately define observable data).
    I suspect that you are thinking of a photon rather than an electron. A photon also is not a particle AND a wave. It has characteristics of both and is a particle OR a wave. There are no circumstances where it is both.

  8. Because of the way you folks treat JohnS on his opposing Conservative opinion to your pro-Trump obsession, is the main reason I stopped coming here too often after seven years. It just reminds me of the mindless Obama obsession, except on the opposite side. You don’t want to debate, just say “Lyin’ Ted!” Well I was over Ted Cruz the minute after he pulled out. I had friends and even my pastor emailing me asking if I’m OK? Yes I am just fine, only my new duty becomes to evaluationg whether Donald Trump will stop flip-flopping, become a resolute candidate, and give something to the the true Tea Party conservatives.

  9. Meerkat, living in the belly of the beast as I do here in the bay area one has to develop a very thick skin when it comes to dealing with leftists and their abject refusal to discuss issues and reliance on personal attacks.
    Deep down, they know they are wrong and have no rational argument, so the insult is the only recourse.
    I have watched leftists take over several sites. They always use the same MO.
    They claim to be what the site is about, then band together to ridicule and drive out non-leftists until the site becomes an echo chamber of their views. Often they leave after winning, leaving the site at a dead end.
    The process can be stopped, and the viciousness that lefties display when thwarted is highly entertaining.

  10. Finally, I have been wondering if I should say this for awhile. But here it goes:

    Abigail Adams, you are the equivalent for Donald Trump as Chis Matthews was for Barack Obama in 2008. No question. I have read every one of your posts. You need a gut-check.

  11. Meerkat, there are quite a few lefties posing as Trumpers in order to infiltrate sites. Many on the left view the success of Trump as the Republican party moving toward their side.

  12. Not ‘the leftists’ but ‘some leftists’.
    I don’t think this site is even on the radar of the operational level people on the left. It is far too small.

  13. JohnS, let’s not get crazy. These are my friends and they have been around for many years. It’s mere a difference of opinion on Donald Trump. I can’t subscribe to an infiltration, unless it is yourself.

  14. Meerkat, you’re on to something. JohnS has watched leftists take over several sites and leave them at a dead end This little is not even on the “radar of operational level people,” according to JohnS.
    I’m just making an observation.

  15. They haven’t been around for that long.
    It is true that some of the regulars have been used as ‘fellow travelers’ by exploiting the Trump angle. Even some of them have admitted here to adopting leftist tactics claiming it a road to victory.
    A ‘little bit left’ is like a ‘little bit pregnant’. Once you let them inside you they don’t leave until they are done with you.

  16. There is one similarity between JohnS and Meerkat. we both live in Liberal Lands. In fact Liberal Lands that have not even had the opportunity to vote in the primary as of yet.

    And when the general comes around, our votes will not matter.

  17. JohnS,
    You’re a pretentious ass.
    I wrote “prove it” not “pontificate.”
    I suggest you read the works of JJ Thomson, GP Thomson, and de Broglie.

    A thing’s nature either is or isn’t – not one way one time and another way another time. If an electron (or a photon, for that matter) shows a wave-particle duality, then that’s the way it is – it is not dependent upon the prejudices and expectations of the experimenter. The implication is that Phyics does not yet understand the underlying nature of reality.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. Tim, rather than rationalize your ignorance, why not take the moment to learn?
    Now ask yourself. Is water a solid, a liquid, a gas, or a plasma? Don’t the conditions of the test determine the state?
    The same is true of a photon. It has only to do with the conditions of the measurement, not the opinion or prejudice of the tester.
    A photon ALWAYS, REPEATEDLY acts the same way under the same conditions the observers mental state is not a factor.
    Measuring something requires interacting with it. This interaction (especially with low mass items like photons) alters the item being measured. So, yes, by interacting with a photon you can make it act as either a wave or a particle. By interacting with water, you can make it a solid, a liquid, a gas, or a plasma.
    There is nothing metaphysical going on except in some people fevered imagination.

  19. The wave-particle duality of nature is a STATE? A macro-STATE, at that?
    Are you fucking kidding me? Or yourself?
    That’s the second dumbest crock of sophomoronic bullshit I’ve read on this site!
    Thanks for trying to explain Heisenberg – but if you believe that the states of chemicals compositions are the same as the fundamental nature of existence, you are beyond stupid.

    You cannot “make it act as either a wave or a particle” any more than you can grab a bag of them and light up a room. It (the photon) by its NATURE is both particle and wave. It isn’t a performing bear.

    And as how to “rationalize” my ignorance, I haven’t a clue. What is the ignorance ratio? Does one compare itself to you, oh Solon of the Interwebz?
    Are you the numerator or the denominator? Is your value 1?

    You have failed to prove your premise: that Objective Reality exists.
    By wandering down the paths of untamed aquatic fowl, you may have bamboozled the incredulous, but you have certainly lain smoke and mirrors about the subject at hand.

    How utterly foolish. I’m done with this imbecility. You have proved only that you are incapable of dialogue and cogent thought.

    izlamo delenda est …

  20. Tim, if you are too dense to recognize an analogous structure in conversation you would do well to stay away from physics.
    Clearly, you deny objective reality and science, well at least physics. That is your belief system, and as it is based on faith, it cannot be disproved.

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