Evidence Clinton Was Speared In Phishing Attack – IOTW Report

Evidence Clinton Was Speared In Phishing Attack


TSG: SEPTEMBER 2–The FBI’s Hillary Clinton investigation turned up evidence that her e-mail accounts were targeted in multiple “spear phishing” attacks, one of which may have tricked the then-Secretary of State into clicking a malicious link included in the correspondence.

An FBI investigative report released today includes a section on the “cyber targeting” of Clinton’s “personal E-mail and Associated Accounts” during her tenure at the State Department.

Though riddled with redactions, the FBI report reveals that Clinton became concerned about the legitimacy of an e-mail purportedly sent to her “from the personal e-mail of a State official.” The e-mail sent to Clinton, the FBI noted, “contained a potentially malicious link.”

In reply to the suspect e-mail, Clinton wrote, “Is this really from you? I was worried about opening it!” The FBI report does not indicate to which e-mail account Clinton sent her response.


7 Comments on Evidence Clinton Was Speared In Phishing Attack

  1. Well if the link was to Lesbian porn, then it was the equivalent of throwing a worm baited hook into a pond full of hungry fish.

    “Hmmmm, maybe something Huma and I can get down to later on”, thought Hillary as she excitedly moved her mouse pointer to the nefarious link.

  2. Will any of this mounting evidence ever mean a damn thing when a gang of foxes is running the chicken coop?

    There isn’t one honest person in Obama’s regime, so charges will never be brought against Shillary.

  3. TO MadJack

    It’s all in the TIMING…
    …as long as it’s a continuous “drip drip drip”
    from now until the election
    (or until she keels over…whichever comes first)
    it will have served its purpose!

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