Ex-Obama Advisor Blasted for Tying Nikki Haley to Charleston Shooting – IOTW Report

Ex-Obama Advisor Blasted for Tying Nikki Haley to Charleston Shooting

Brandon Friedman

Mediaite- Early Thursday morning, South Carolina governorNikki Haley released a statement condemning the shooting in Charleston, asking what could have motivated the murder of innocents during a peaceful religious meditation. Shortly afterwards,Brandon Friedman, the former deputy assistant secretary of public affairs at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, decided to cash in on the attention by linking the event to an unrelated story from Haley’s part.

Using the Charleston Shooting hashtag, Friedman tweeted an old Talking Points Memo story on the Republican governor’s defense of flying the Confederate flag.  more

33 Comments on Ex-Obama Advisor Blasted for Tying Nikki Haley to Charleston Shooting

  1. More smug, punchable faces.
    Somebody needs to start punching.
    Or in his case, somebody needs to give that boy a Confederate Flagpole Enema. Oh, wait, he might enjoy that too much.

  2. Hey Ronald J. Ward, maybe you can worry about getting rid of the old flag but right now, I’d say worrying about the safety of people is more important than your liberal agenda. Oh and if you are going to question the flags people have, let’s question the flag you have. Now go back to the Choamsky reader and begone with you!

  3. Moron.org has started a petition to remove the Southern Flag calling it racist and rebellious. I want the rainbow flag removed from society because it is anti hetero and rebellious and it offends me and demeans me as a cisgender heterosexual.

    BTW, when did lefties change and decide rebellion was a bad thing?

  4. Although I would prefer the actual Confederate Flag be flown over the war memorial, the battle flag has been made something ugly, just as how the word ‘racist’ has been given new meanings.
    SC, a brown female Gov., a Black Fed. Senator, a light in his loafers Fed. Senator.
    Some how, taking down an old flag, is going to make everything rainbows and unicorns?

  5. “Flag?” Don’t you mean “fag?”
    Looking at this guy’s picture reminds me; isn’t it about time for all the big cities to have their GAY DAY fruit parades?

  6. When I spied that picture of that little pixie, my gaydar went up…he’s a cute little wanker, he thinks.

    “He does has some mighty purty lips on that prissy face.”

  7. WB, such sophomoric attempts at wit, along with some assumed authoritative role to dismiss, are always an expected rebuttal from the resident trolls/ wantabe pundits.

    To be clear, my stress level is rather low so what I worry or not worry about or what you percieve I should or should not worry about is irrelevent.

    Aside from your incoherent claptrap, it would be advantageous any way you slice it to finally get rid of the flag. It would just be a good thing to do rather than an insistence on maintaining such useless division.

  8. Vietvet, other than the mythical, bridge patrolling creature of folklore , an online troll is usually defined as one that threadjacks or distracts from the argument, one who instigates in order to change the argument. If you look at the above discussion, well…

    On another note, it would just seem logical for today’s so-called conservatives running SC to consider the upcoming electorate demographics and consider if it’s strategically sound to stay the course on their war flag. One would think it would be a wise decision to appeal to the black voters rather than obviously insult them. Granted, they have voter disenfranchisement on their side but it could still help gain a few votes from black voters that jump through their obsticles to vote.

  9. Want to erase history Ronald? I am from South Carolina
    and I love the “flag”.I lived about a mile from Fort Sumter for
    25 years.The “flag” is a permanent part of South Carolina
    history since April 12th 1861.The only “healing” you are
    going to receive in this world comes from Jesus Christ or
    a Band-Aid from CVS.

  10. RJW, your definition is flawed (and unnecessarily verbose).

    From the Oxford dictionary (@ OxfordDictionaries.com):


    1A. person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post.

  11. IIf I’m not mistaken Vietvet (and I don’t think I am ), my original comment was ” it would be a great time and a healing event to finally get rid of the flag “.

    I’m not sure what’s offensive or provocative about that statement. I even went further to argue how it may even be advantageous in GOP elections.

    My argument was countered with the usual contempt and insulting tone so prominent here.

    So again, who is, based on your very own admission to the diffinition and a reasonable understanding of the English language, is the actual troll here?

  12. Ronald,

    I agree that there’s nothing offensive or provocative about that statement,
    or for that matter, most of your statements, but that’s not the point here. You KNOW that because of your previous interactions with IOTWR commenters that your very name will provoke a negative reaction from them. Your little dustup with Whitey Bulger, above, demonstrates this. That makes you a troll. You could make the same comments on a different site with more sympathy to your views and you would not be a troll, but here you are one, and I’m sure you realize what you are doing.

    Want to change the situation? Stop posting your views under Ronald J. Ward and adopt a pseudonym like most people here. You may still not find agreement, and you may face criticism, but you won’t get the intense blowback that you pretend to find so unprovoked and offensive. That doesn’t mean that people won’t eventually figure out who you are and you’ll be back to square one, but then you can just change names again and be off and running once more.

    This solution presumes, of course, that you DON’T want to be perceived as a troll, so I’m betting that you don’t take my advice.
    I’m betting that the oh-so-reasonable and long-time-suffering Ronald J. Ward will continue to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous Conservatives,
    all the while bemoaning the unfair treatment to which he is being so cruelly and unjustly subjected.
    O tempora! O mores!

    It ain’t easy being a martyr, is it?

    : D

  13. So, to summarize, it really isn’t the argument as much as it is who presents the argument?

    I should change my name, by your logic, and my arguments would be condidered because no one has caught on to my idealolgies but of course once they do, I’m toast again?

    Your abject bigotry of those pesky liberals, those you know that just aren’t like you, at least validates my previous arguments of your bigotry towards the black comunity.

    It isn’t ones individual actions but rather the who they are.

  14. RJ,

    Your “summary” shows that either you weren’t listening very closely, or else you are deliberately twisting my words. It IS your arguments that are being objected to, not just the messenger. However, you seem to have gotten a reputation here at IOTWR that precludes an objective hearing (incidentally, don’t blame me for that, because whatever you did predates my involvement). Let me simplify things for you with an example that even you may be able to understand: Suppose Adolf Hitler had come up with what he thought was a really great idea to benefit mankind (other than the obvious ones we know about). Would anyone have listened to it? No. However, if it were presented by someone else, it might have received some consideration. Still could have been rejected, though. Probably would have been, considering the source.
    But it would not have been dismissed out of hand.

    A couple of other points:

    Disagreement with Liberal beliefs does not equal bigotry. If it did, you would be a bigot when it came to Conservative philosophy.

    Even if there was what you call “bigotry” in one area, it in NO WAY proves (or validates, if you prefer) your arguments of “bigotry” in another area. That is such an obvious logical fallacy that you should be embarrassed to assert it.

    Last but not least, Bad_Brad is right: You are what you do.
    And you do trolling.

  15. I suppose Vet, your Hitler analogy has merit.

    But to put it in better perspective, someone vocally opposing Hiltler’s tactics and beliefs would have likely been dismissed from those that drank the kool aid of that era.

    It’s not that their arguments lacked rationale but rather that it just didn’t set well with the Hitler agenda and those that genuflected in harmony to him.

    Considering the allegence to the plutocratic and social Darwinism agenda presented from the radical right, the purity demands of today’s so-called conservatives, and their covering of the ears and singing “la la la” to reasonable arguments, I’d say thats a more fitting example.

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