Eye Roll- Dixie Chicks drop ‘dixie’ from name, now known as The Chicks – IOTW Report

Eye Roll- Dixie Chicks drop ‘dixie’ from name, now known as The Chicks


Grammy-winning country group The Dixie Chicks have dropped the word dixie from their name, now going by The Chicks.

The band’s social media accounts and website were changed on Thursday to the refer to the new name for the band, which is made up of Martie Maguire, Natalie Maines and Emily Strayer.


65 Comments on Eye Roll- Dixie Chicks drop ‘dixie’ from name, now known as The Chicks

  1. I’ll call them “The Chickenshits”. That is whenever they are mentioned in the media and I feel the need to talk about them, which is once every 10 or 15 years.

    Being a crotchety old man, I may never have to think about them or mention them ever again.

  2. Just make sure you don’t offend any cowards, commies, sissies, fags, lezbos, goldbricks, no loads or other pieces of shit that have nothing better to do than act offended.

  3. I bet nothing changed but the T-shirts. The contracts, riders and all the other legal docs never got touched. Same with Lady Antebellum. It’s all virtue-signalling.

  4. Regardless of opinions the Dixie Chicks are genuinely talented and I’ve always liked their music despite their politics. However, they shot themselves in the foot fifteen years ago when they bashed Bush and alienated their fans. They’ve been pretty insignificant in the industry since.

  5. Misfire. They coulda kept the same initials as the Dumb Clucks.

    They were scheduled to perform in the FU Center (First Union, in Philadelphia) back ~2005. When that upcoming concert was announced during the Flyers game, I heard the loudest BOOs I had ever heard!

  6. Wait. Is this a late April fool’s joke? They’re not really around any more, are they?

    They could have picked Dixon Cider if they really wanted to get the lezzies mad.

  7. The word “Dixie” itself has a murky background. Nobody for sure knows how it originated. I read about it a few years ago. It may have started when Louisiana was ruled by the French, whose government circulated bills in the amount of ten (Livres or Francs, whatever). The French word for the number 10 is dix, pronounced something like “deece”, and “Dix” was printed on the bills. So the entire south eventually became Dixie. That’s one theory.

    If that is true, the word has nothing to do with slaves or slavery. Liberals are always pissed off at connotations, not real meanings. The word “negro”, and its derivative, both bad words these days, just means “black” in Spanish, I believe.

  8. wanna know what my mom and dad call a woman they don’t have a good opinion or impression of? A ‘chick’.

    “Oh, I don’t really like that chick” or “that weird fbi chick is really ruining this movie for me” etc.

  9. They originally wanted to be known as “The Oozing Fetid Cottage-Cheese Cunts” but that was already taken by a Seattle band so the settled on “The Cheese Dicks” but that one was in use by a Slash/Metal Band from Peoria. Their manager gave em “The Dixie Chicks” but now they realize that that’s offensive – after 31 years.

    Am I the only one smellin Bullshit?

    izlamo delenda est …


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