Facebook Allows ‘Fake News’ Photo to Raise $18 Million for Border Cause – IOTW Report

Facebook Allows ‘Fake News’ Photo to Raise $18 Million for Border Cause

Breitbart: Facebook says it is in the midst of a fight against “fake news” on its platform, but has allowed activists to raise nearly $20 million for migrants using a photo that is incorrectly said to show a daughter being separated from her mother.

The fundraiser, “Reunite an immigrant parent with their child,” asks Facebook users to donate money to RAICES, a charity described by USA Today as “a Texas nonprofit that helps families with legal advice and translation services.” The organizers of the viral fundraiser are reportedly a couple working in the tech industry in Silicon Valley.

The donation page for the fundraiser uses a now-iconic photograph of a two-year-old girl crying as her mother is searched by U.S. Border Patrol. The mainstream media presumed that the girl and her mother were separated.

However, news broke Thursday that the mother and daughter were never separated, and were in fact in U.S. custody at a family residential facility in Texas.

Furthermore, it emerged that the mother had been previously deported in the U.S. According to her husband in Honduras, she left him and three other children in early June without informing him, paying $6,000 to a “coyote” smuggler to take her northwards so she could seek better economic opportunities. more here

SNIP: Just so you know, I tried several times to post this story on my Facebook account and it wouldn’t post without using a different Breitbart link that had nothing to do with the story. So, I typed in the title and somehow wedged the link in anyway. It posted, finally,  but it still didn’t publish the correct link. Unless someone clicks on the link that I typed in, they won’t see this story.
Facebook is trying to cover its ass.

5 Comments on Facebook Allows ‘Fake News’ Photo to Raise $18 Million for Border Cause

  1. Time magazine should be run out of this country with the latest edition of President Trump looking down at a crying, obviously Hispanic very young child. Fake NEWS at its despicable best. The real picture of the crying girl can be seen on another website. Photoshopped fake news is the bottom of the barrel. Eff The Times, may they be out of business soon.

  2. And FB proves it is pretty easy for the Dems to part their foolish base from their money. Now that Rasmussen actually asked a question that wasn’t ridiculously biased and leading about who people blame for the border crisis we find most Americans recognize it is the illegal parents, not the Feds creating the issue.

  3. So, SHE splits her family up in Honduras, pays a Coyote/Cartel member to help her come to the US illegally, and her child gets in a photo crying and now Liberal douches are emptying their pockets with the help of Facebook.
    Mail the child to Honduras, I’m sure she misses her Papa and siblings.
    Deport that bitch by Catapult


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