Facebook employees freak out because VP for global policy sat behind Kavanaugh during testimony – IOTW Report

Facebook employees freak out because VP for global policy sat behind Kavanaugh during testimony

DC: Facebook employees are reportedly in the midst of a week-long meltdown after vice president for global policy Joel Kaplan sat behind Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during Kavanaugh’s Sept. 27 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Hundreds of Facebook employees expressed their displeasure with Kaplan since Kavanaugh’s testimony, according to reports in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the matter.

“His seat choice was intentional, knowing full well that journalists would identify every public figure appearing behind Kavanaugh. He knew that this would cause outrage internally, but he knew that he couldn’t get fired for it,” one Facebook program manager wrote about Kavanaugh, according to TheNYT.

“This was a protest against our culture, and a slap in the face to his fellow employees,” the program manager wrote.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sparked a further backlash by informing employees that Kaplan hadn’t broken any rules by supporting Kavanaugh in his personal time, both papers reported.  read more 

9 Comments on Facebook employees freak out because VP for global policy sat behind Kavanaugh during testimony


    The Obama/Bush Sen who ran as an independent against a republican (who destroyed her in the primary. (UIPARTY got taken by surprise) is about get a challenge from a real Republican. SARAH PALIN!

    I hope she does; I really do not like the Bush/Obama/Rove UNIPARTY!


  2. With the hearing being televised, were I the chairman there would have been no “public figures” nor celebrities allowed in the room. You want tv facetime? Gin it up on yer’ own.

  3. an ol exJARHEAD, Oh, please, please let that be true!!!!

    I can’t stand that Murkowski b*tch. I don’t use that very often, but it describes that woman. She promised to abide by whomever the Alaskan citizens voted for in the primary. When it turned out to be a true conservative, she went back on her word, ran a write-in campaign, and with the help of the Democrats (whom she asked for help), won the election.

    She has voted almost 80-90% with the Democrats. I truly despise her.

    Ok, now about FB. I really don’t think it is a majority of the employees that are having fainting spells. It’s the loudmouthed few who are bullying all the other employees to keep their mouths shut.

    It’s time to treat the big tech companies as a monopoly and shake them up. I normally don’t think getting the gov’t involved is very smart, but this is impacting our voice getting out to the uninformed. It’s also causing many blogs and websites to lose money when they cannot advertise because they are conservative.


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