Facebook Quickly Scrubs Capitol Assailant Noah Green’s Facebook Page Praising Farrakhan As Jesus – IOTW Report

Facebook Quickly Scrubs Capitol Assailant Noah Green’s Facebook Page Praising Farrakhan As Jesus

Dunno why this came to mind –

The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paperboy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head (Hahahahahahaha!)
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade
You make the change
You rearrange me till I’m sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
And there’s someone in my head but it’s not me

I can’t think of anything to say except
I think it’s marvellous!



Facebook quickly removed self-described “follower of Farrakhan” Noah Green’s profile page shortly after media identified him Friday as the assailant who was shot dead after driving into U.S. Capitol Police officers and lunging at them with a knife.

Describing himself on the since-deleted page as a follower of the Nation of Islam, the 25-year-old Green effusively praised the radical Farrakhan and his predecessor, Elijah Muhammad, as incarnations of Jesus Christ whose teachings changed his life.


29 Comments on Facebook Quickly Scrubs Capitol Assailant Noah Green’s Facebook Page Praising Farrakhan As Jesus

  1. So that means it didn’t happen and we can move on with other news I guess. Damn media gets all hyped up and then disappointed. Can’t very well make him a right winger now.

  2. You’d think he’d be happy. The gay muslim Obama has his third term thanks to Puppet Joe. I guess worshipping the moon god really does drive a person insane like Churchill said.

  3. They will try and say that Trump emboldened this type of behavior even though this guy was the entire opposite of a conservative.
    CNN already giving him the benefit of Mental illness.

  4. He was right though, The NUMBER ONE ENEMY of Black people is the CURRENT OCCUPANT of the White House & HIS SEGREGATIONIST DEMOCRAT PARTY of SLAVERY.

  5. My opinion is, it’s critical to start pointing fellow conservatives to where they can find the truth. Pre election I started pointing fellow conservative business owners around me to “Reliable” places. They are “woke” now. And in turn bring me new sources. What we are experiencing right now is every bit as bad as Nazi Germany. And sooner or later it’s going Kinetic.

  6. Keep in mind that from the standpoint of his people he did the right thing, a good thing, and is now being rewarded in paradise as a martyr of Allah.

    But you won’t be hearing discussions of this on the MSM talk shows on your TV, at least I don’t think you will.

  7. Tomorrow if not tonight, the talking heads will be trotting out some nonsense about Farrakhan being a religious conservative minister with ties to nazis. A whole bunch of academics stupidos who studied his movement will opine that yes indeed he is a conservative.

  8. By Sunday the Lame Stream Media will be telling all their sheeple that the Capital Police used excessive force when they removed this goat fornicator from the gene pool.

  9. Aaaaaaand…..tell me again how White Supremacists are supposed to be the Domestic Violent Extremists???

  10. Being lied to, and about publicly on a constant basis, including your children in schools you pay for, boy isn’t necessarily boy, nor girl, and suing those who disagree. Jesus Christ people..!

    On a side note for all those Christian, what the fuck happened to liberty and independence, and all the natural fucking shit that comes with it..?

    I GOT IT..! Denied by you and me..Right..? You know, all that -knowing- right from wrong shit from the beginning.

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