Family Suing Dum Dums For Defective Lollipop – IOTW Report

Family Suing Dum Dums For Defective Lollipop

The family wants 30 large after their son sucked a dum dum off of the stick and it went down his throat and blocked his breathing.

He has pain and suffering and is now deathly afraid of dum dums, which means he can never hang around with leftists ever again.

This is a BLESSING kid!


“The defective Dum Dum sucker was unreasonably dangerous and incapable of being safely used by its intended user,” the lawsuit claims, according to WPXI.

The Matthews contend that the child’s father had to dislodge the candy from his son’s throat and that the child required medical treatment at the hospital.

The family maintains that their son has sustained emotional and mental distress from the incident, and is seeking $30,000 in damages.


15 Comments on Family Suing Dum Dums For Defective Lollipop

  1. If my family had $30k every time I choked on a piece of candy they could have funded their retirement in full when I turned 6.

    Red-striped hard mints would lodge in my throat for several hours and eventually be coughed up plain white.

    Same with M&M’s. Place a bunch in your hand and suck them up like a vacuum. I had a couple go in my lungs, lodged there for a few days, coughed up again as plain white candy.

    Not to mention several instances my parents held me by my ankles and whacked my back until a piece of candy came flying out at mach 3.

    Come to think of it, I think most of my childhood was spent choking on candy.

  2. If your kid is so fucking retarded that he can’t suck a Dum Dum without injuring himself, you should probably leave him out for the fairies or drop him off at the “Nervous Hospital.”

    My sons did stupid shit, too, but … well … we tried to keep it at home.

    “Hey Look! My Kid’s a Fucking Moron!” Huh? Need a “Safe Space,” there, l’il fellow? Don’t let him anywhere near a Bit-O-Honey! He’s liable to shove it up his nose and suffocate!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Sounds like the kid almost won a Darwin award–a little chlorine Dum Dum in the gene pool.

    Whatever happened to “It’s a risk you take living in a free society”? Why is everything someone else’s fault? What irresponsible moron convinced you that everything in life would go perfectly?

  4. Everyone wants something for nothing, the attorneys oblige and the liberal judges jump through their ass.
    The parents can suck a dum dum.

    At the opposite of the spectrum:
    What’s screwed up is the next story at WPXI is about:
    A young Boy Dying from Leukemia Asked for Racing Stickers for His Casket and Got Them.

  5. Life is dangerous – so much so that nobody gets out of it alive.

    …Well, they say one guy actually did, and they say that He said that He was coming back, but so far no show.

    Can’t say as how I blame Him, though. I wouldn’t come back either.


  6. It doesn’t say how old this kid is. There’s a reason you don’t give any hard candy to little kids.

    I choked on a cherry Lifesaver when I was 4. I guess my parents should have sued. 😛


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