Fascinating. – IOTW Report


Maybe — with those sweet bangs and a little eyebrow work…

21 Comments on Fascinating.

  1. “I convey God on a daily basis.”
    How do you do that, Bethany?

    Come to think of it, how do you “create” an honest wage?
    I do believe we’ve discovered Anonymous’s real name!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Fascinating, Captain .. a unpaid writer who is named after a feline fecal extrusion has more accurate insights on current affairs than your so called mainstream media reporters who earn millions

  3. Yet I must disagree that this individual who you earthlings refer to as a “RINO” resembles me in any fashion. Accordingly this “Catturd” gentlemen is insightful, but not infallible

  4. Another “Gang of Eight” traitor.
    A fake conservative and a real “establishment” republican.

    If Spock were a real alien, Rubio would grant him amnesty, as well as, Romulans, Vulcans, Klingons and Andorians.

  5. Rubio has never read an anti Second Amendment bill that didn’t give him a stiffy. He’s a RINO of the first order and needs to be primaried bigly.

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