FBI Lawyer: ‘Not Typically Appropriate’ For Hillary’s Aides To Attend Her FBI Interview – IOTW Report

FBI Lawyer: ‘Not Typically Appropriate’ For Hillary’s Aides To Attend Her FBI Interview

Daily Caller: Lisa Page, a former top attorney at the FBI, told Congress she believed it was neither appropriate nor necessary for two of Hillary Clinton’s aides to accompany the former secretary of state in an interview she gave as part of the email investigation.

“I would agree with you that it is not typically appropriate or operationally necessary to have fact witnesses attend the interview,” Page told lawmakers during a closed-door interview in July 2018, highlights of which were published by The Epoch Times on Friday.

Page was answering questions about the FBI’s handling of the investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private email server while at the State Department. Clinton was interviewed by the FBI as part of the investigation on July 2, 2016, three days before then-FBI Director James Comey announced he would be recommending that Clinton be charged in the case.

Clinton was flanked by a team of attorneys in the interview, including Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson.

Both lawyers were also witnesses in the FBI’s probe, having been interviewed multiple times separately by FBI agents about their handling of Clinton’s classified emails.

As Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, Mills was both sender and recipient of numerous classified emails that landed on Clinton’s private email server. Samuelson conducted the review of Clinton’s server that determined which emails Clinton would turn over to the State Department.

Page, who served as counsel to former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, testified that Justice Department officials approved Mills and Samuelson’s attendance in the Clinton interview against the wishes of the FBI.  more here

Aunt Esther / Cheryl Mills

10 Comments on FBI Lawyer: ‘Not Typically Appropriate’ For Hillary’s Aides To Attend Her FBI Interview

  1. The FBI and the DOJ can justify anything they want to in order to protect special people or fellow employees. A new standard operating procedure they intend to keep. And if you got a problem with it, just WTF you goina do about it???

  2. ‘What you gonna do about it?’
    Nailed it,,,
    The only end of this trash is to end it.
    Can’t fix stupid or psychopaths ,
    Would be nice if when we identify it we could stop it getting elected.

  3. The time will come real soon when we have to choose sides.
    It might even come down to your kin.
    Are you ready for that?
    This is where the left has pushed us.
    Trump can not put Barr in office as his new AG, if he will recuse him self from all things Russia we have a new Jeff the loser in office.
    The Mule will keep up his Witch hunt for the next 2 years.

  4. ‘ready for that?’
    Yep, trashed my ‘kin’ 2 + years ago after they trashed me.
    No Offense meant to you.
    Your take on the media s%itstorm that follows is correct.
    Overpaid untalented idiot children being allowed not to continually burden their family.

  5. You could say that Mills is a canny survivor who always lands on her feet, but she’s really just a beneficiary of Clinton privilege because she’s a black female human shield for Hillary to hide behind. Although she didn’t marry Anthony Weiner. That was a pretty smart move, so maybe a little canny, too.

  6. Lisa Page also thinks Russia is the greatest threat (to our democracy or something)… not China or Iran, but Russia.

    China is attacking us from so many fronts without ever drawing a weapon, (currency manipulation, IP theft, Confucius Universities, corp espionage/theft) and oh yeah, the Clintons happily sold our military blueprints on their way out the door.

    Hey Lisa, the biggest threat to our democracy is the weaponized IC, of which you happily engaged. That you choose not to recognize this is the problem.

    Btw, I bet the invites to former IC Bbq’s and Christmas parties have come to a screeching halt for Ms Page.


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