FBI Ran illegal Porn Site For Two Weeks – IOTW Report

FBI Ran illegal Porn Site For Two Weeks

In an effort to have charges thrown out, the proprietor of the child pornography website, Playpen claims that the FBI acted with “outrageous conduct” when it took over the site and distributed content for another two weeks.  The accused charges that the FBI improved the site’s performance and grew weekly visits and membership.  During that time frame the FBI was able to hack the computers of 4,000 users and has been able to charge 186 persons as part of the investigation.



9 Comments on FBI Ran illegal Porn Site For Two Weeks

  1. “During that time frame the FBI was able to hack the computers of 4,000 users and has been able to charge 186 persons as part of the investigation.”

    I hope they’re just getting started.

  2. The 186 people charged had no intention of being there, they were careless.
    Good job FBI, you failed to indict Hillary, who placed the US national security in peril and is the largest scam, pay to play criminal in History. Yeah, bust some porn sites or shut down a little girl’s lemonade stand, assholes.
    Integrity, professional, non-partisan, what a joke.

  3. Anybody who sexually abuses children or abets such abuse abuse is as despicable as they come. Now, that includes the FBI. Color me not surprised. Deeply disgusted, but not surprised.

  4. The FBI didn’t limit themselves to encouraging the abuse of children, with the findings regarding hillary they encouraged the abuse of the entire nation. Men, women, children and all the alphabet perverts. No one was left behind by the FBI.

  5. J Edgar Hoover may have been a cross-dressing old pouf, but I wager he would take out the current director at will. Goes to show what happens when you forget independent authority and allow the head Barky to appoint these positions. That Director and Lorretty should be lined up and dealt with. Here are the results of cronyism and favoritism as exercised by the White Hut. “High Treason” is applicable.

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