FBI special agent who opened Trump investigation reportedly escorted out of Bureau headquarters – IOTW Report

FBI special agent who opened Trump investigation reportedly escorted out of Bureau headquarters

Just The News: Former Washington Field Office Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault was reportedly escorted out of the Bureau’s headquarters on Friday, amid whistleblower allegations that he showed political bias in his handling of politically sensitive investigations.

The Washington Times reported eyewitness accounts that “Mr. Thibault was seen exiting the bureau’s elevator last Friday escorted by two or three ‘headquarters-looking types.'”

Whistleblowers alleged that Thibault concealed the partisan nature of evidence from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to secure their approval to open an investigation into former President Donald Trump. That investigation culminated in the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this month. more

31 Comments on FBI special agent who opened Trump investigation reportedly escorted out of Bureau headquarters

  1. That department and all other fed enforcement agencies are filthy dirty corrupt and stupidly think the American people don’t know it. All represent the disgusting Joe Biden.

  2. “whistleblower allegations that he showed political bias in his handling of politically sensitive investigations.”

    That’s funny. So next week only the janitorial staff will be left right?

  3. “Thibault had been removed from his post and reassigned to an unspecified position.”

    Don’t be fooled, he’ll keep his salary, transferred to an equal position within the FBI.

    This is for “show” only, ….. like they’ve cleaned up this Biden shitstorm.

  4. “…escorted by two or three ‘headquarters-looking types’…”

    What does that even mean? Is that supposed to mollify us? It just sounds patronizing and stupid.

    “…alleged that Thibault concealed the partisan nature of evidence from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland…”

    Ninja, please…Wray and Garlic knew exactly what was up. Now I’m pretty sure the “whistleblowers” ate part of the theatrical production. What f—king bullshit tjos all is.

  5. The only way to fix this shit is to disband all ABC federal organizations, have a nation wide sales tax to fund the military and border control, and leave everything else up to the states as was intended. Move to where works for you.

  6. they were probably taking him to show him his new office at the cia
    right down the hall from peter strozk
    all theatrics
    he’s taking one for the gyper

  7. They found nothing, they have nothing, and they now know they were played yet again by the MAGA King. The backlash is furious and they are running for any fig leaf to cover their exposed federal genitals.

    The whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork to expose the whole rotting edifice to congress.. They are in a full panic because the Special Master will show they have nothing and now they cannot manufacture something because of the SM having access to it all and the entire set of affidavits. The dipshit biased Judge Rhinehardt is now neutralized and a nonfactor.

    The SM will not allow the prosecuters to use or charge based on any document currently in their possession and they know it. Game, set,match.

    Another huge miscalculated overkill flyswatting with a hammer. In addition the student loan decision is causing huge anger in the minority communities.

    These infantile satanic fuckups could get lost driving inside the hole in a cheerio. They are now minus 2 to the Republicans on the midterm polling meter after being up 2 last week.

    This student loan is the next nail in the coffin and the Great Raid is a bust. 59 percent of the country wants the Pedo to take a public cognitive test.

    I’m telling you the Pedo is on borrowed time now, they have to do something completely drastic now to distract from their constant failures.

    In a yet another failure the Artemis launch was scrubbed after Commiela showed up to cackle about black women walking on the moon.

    FUCK ALL PINKOS….and their lame trolls on IOTW.

    We are winning and it’s glorious.

  8. He wants to spend more time with his family.
    That’s the usual canard (not a duck).

    “Hey! Look at us! We got integrity and shit – whatever integrity is.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. classic …

    Capital “C”
    Capital “Y”
    Capital “A” move

    the Pedo Puppeteers must be worried that this whole fiasco is about to blow up & feed this fool to Pravda West … see? we didn’t do it. it was this rogue agent & we took bold, swift action!

    this will go over like a fart in church …. they may be the lamest bunch of idiots we’ve ever seen, but these idiots have the power & are destroying the country … as planned

  10. @Cisco Kid August 29, 2022 at 6:29 pm

    > The whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork to expose the whole rotting edifice to congress

    Dude! Who QAnoned in your Cheerios?

  11. Dog-&-pony show, all swept under the rug.
    “Nothing to see here, move along”.

  12. It’s the swampazoids’ attempt to “fix” things via high-end optics, not realizing that for many people, a “high-end optic” is a Leupold Mark 5HD 3.6-18X44 M5C3 FFP TMR.

  13. Some countries when you commit treason you lose your head.
    In America you commit treason you lose your job, if that.
    And then not your pension (see Lois Lerner, for instance).

    This is why we have way too much treason – and the treasonous filth isn’t even skulking about – they’re in the highest levels of the DoJ, FBI, CIA, State, Executive, House, Senate, the Media, and Academia.

    Until we treat treason as it should be (capital punishment), it will continue.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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