FBI’s Focus On Manafort Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With Russian Collusion In The Election – IOTW Report

FBI’s Focus On Manafort Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With Russian Collusion In The Election

DC: The FBI’s investigation into President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, is focused on several suspicious wire-transfers he made four years before the presidential election, according to a Sunday report from Buzzfeed.

Manafort allegedly made 13 wire transfers from 2011 to 2012 that drew the attention of federal law enforcement officials who were examining if he was helping the Ukrainian regime launder millions it plundered through corrupt dealings. Much of the money was filtered through the U.S. before landing in various areas around the world, Buzzfeed’s report notes.

Trump’s former campaign manager has been the subject of multiple law enforcement investigations into  Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election.

A spokesman for Manafort did not respond to reporters’ questions about the investigation or any of the specific wire transactions. He became Trump’s campaign manager in May 2016 before he was forced to resign three months later after media reports exposed his ties to Russian oligarchs.  more here

10 Comments on FBI’s Focus On Manafort Doesn’t Have Anything To Do With Russian Collusion In The Election

  1. Lot’s to shake out here. Reports are Manifort was employed by the Podesta sisters for a long time. If that’s true and Mueller heads that direction and gathers them all up? I guess we will see.

  2. “American financial institutions, which are required by law to tell the Treasury Department about any transactions they deem suspicious, began flagging Manafort’s transactions, Buzzfeed’s report notes.”

    Really?!? One would think they’d have been all over the DNC and the Clintions.

  3. manafort was working for podesta but it will only be told he was working for trump by the lying msm.

    hillary will never be mentioned.

    these people will not go quietly into the night.

    I know its wrong to want to see her and her clan get jail time but I cannot help myself at this point.
    I have a severe case of hillary derangement syndrome and the only cure will be her incarceration.

  4. L.A. Times is reporting the following this morning:

    “Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said a federal judge could unseal an indictment against either Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, or Michael Flynn, who briefly served as Trump’s national security advisor in the White House.”

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