FDA Links 16 Brands of “Grain Free”Dog Food To Heart Disease – IOTW Report

FDA Links 16 Brands of “Grain Free”Dog Food To Heart Disease


The agency said it’s continuing to research a possible link between certain pet foods and canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs. The FDA said certain dog foods — many labeled “grain-free” — that contain a high proportion of peas, lentils and other legume seeds and/or potatoes in various forms as the main ingredients have been associated with reports of the disease. More

15 Comments on FDA Links 16 Brands of “Grain Free”Dog Food To Heart Disease

  1. Before they were domesticated, didn’t dogs eat meat and bones and maybe a bug or two? What changed? It seems to me that removing grains and substituting legumes and roots is mainly switching from one unhealthy diet to another unhealthy diet.

    My late BFF Carl (“I’m just a simple country programmer”) shared his home with quite a few dogs over the decades I knew him. All of those animals were healthy, energetic, and good looking. He fed them some table scraps but mostly raw meat and uncooked bones. Carl always said that cooking bones in particular destroyed their beneficial nutritional qualities and made them brittle and somewhat dangerous for his boys and girls to gnaw on. From my perspective, his results were very persuasive that he was right on the money.

  2. My pups get a raw diet. My eldest dog died around 2 months ago, age caught up with her. She was 15, just a 60 lb mutt, BFH is painting her her image for me. Gonna give it to my wife on our anniversary.
    The other 2 are doing great.


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