Fed Chair Says Time for a “Policy Adjustment” – IOTW Report

Fed Chair Says Time for a “Policy Adjustment”


Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell sent a straightforward message to markets in a key speech on Friday, saying “the time has come” for the central bank to begin lowering interest rates.

Speaking at the Kansas City Fed’s annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Powell said: “The time has come for policy to adjust.” More

13 Comments on Fed Chair Says Time for a “Policy Adjustment”

  1. Jerome Powell is another regime-installed saboteur. Fixing what he and his cabal have damaged will be very painful, and the longer before repairs start the more painful it will be. What is called for is monetary DEflation and much higher interest rates. Suck on THAT, Jerome, you malevolent termite.

  2. Please explain to me why the Kansas City Fed has it’s annual meeting in Jackson Hole, WY.

    That is a very expensive town to travel to, Kansas City has plenty of meeting rooms. Why in the fuck am I paying for these assholes to go on vacation to stroke each others dicks and congratulate themselves about how great of a job they are doing?

    What a bunch of sick fucks.

    I would ask my Rep Bacon, but half the time when I get a reply email from him, the first one is an empty template, then they realize they didn’t actually respond and follow up.

    Time for a meteor.

  3. ^^^^ I agree, Hunter. Another boondoggle for those elites in charge of our lives.

    Why not San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore?

    Better yet, why not DC?

    Assholes and shitholes belong together.

  4. The Dems’ (and Republicans’) decades old orgy of deficit spending, climaxed by the exponential rise in the national debt during the Biden administration, has neutered the Feds’ ability to “do” anything effective.

    I remember, not too far back, how awful it was to have amassed one trillion dollars of debt over the previous fifty years. From 2022 to 2023, we added over 2 trillion, 10 trillion just in Biden’s term. That is not considering unfunded liabilities, which are at least an order of magnitude higher.

    You can raise the interest rate to 200% and it couldn’t make a dent in this monstrosity. At this point, the Dollar has only a perception of value. It rides on a speculative bubble so large it can no longer be seen. There might have been a chance, if Trump had been allowed a second term. He could have even licked it in one term, if the Republican Part hadn’t blocked every move he made.

    The powers that be decided decades ago that they were going to push this until the bubble bursts, then wave their hands and miraculously restart the process.

  5. Mr. Beachmom has been saying the regime would lower interest rates to (try to) juice the economy just before the election.
    It’s not enough.
    Every day living expenses are so high that lower interest rates on loans won’t touch them.

  6. Lowered interest rates, increased spending…if Trump becomes President, which is unlikely without Insurrection, the media will destroy him by blaming the economic collapse on him, not the Democrats. The Dems are preparing the disaster, Trump will embed the cure but it will require four years of economic pain. Meanwhile, the legal system, the Federal Reserve, the Media, the Military, the Universities, the Woke corporations, the Corrupt and the subhuman detached from Reality will attack him 24/7…Christ will recognize the forces …eight years now, Trump has been tortured and attacked, the Constitution ignored in this effort. Cruel and unusual punishment, speedy trials, legal advise confidentiality, Impeachment for crimes now known to have been constructed and financed by his adversaries, character defamation and more while he presses on, near assassination allowed and we watch , admiring his bravery, yet the Scourge progresses..Crucifixion was for the dirty, the Low, the Vile, Trump will be crushed into the dirt if the Left is not stopped. Unimaginable power is the Democrat reward..

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