Federal Judge: Visa Helped Pornhub Distribute Illegal Porn – IOTW Report

Federal Judge: Visa Helped Pornhub Distribute Illegal Porn


A federal judge ruled on Friday that it was reasonable to conclude that Visa knowingly facilitated the distribution of child pornography on Pornhub and other sites operated by parent company MindGeek.

he lawsuit filed last year, Fleites v. MindGeek, alleges that MindGeek was profiting from videos depicting “rape, child sexual exploitation, revenge porn, trafficking, and other nonconsensual sexual content.” Credit card company Visa was implicated in the lawsuit as “knowingly complicit in the sex trafficking and monetized child sexual abuse,” according to Variety.

US District Judge Cormac Carney of the US District Court of the Central District of California issued a decision on July 29 denying Visa’s motion to dismiss the claim that they violated California’s Unfair Competition Law, which prohibits unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business acts and practices, by processing payments for child porn. more

9 Comments on Federal Judge: Visa Helped Pornhub Distribute Illegal Porn

  1. …well, Jeffrey Epstein helped to distribute child slaves for Democrats to rape too, so if anyone at Visa processed any transactions for any Democrats, they should DEFINITELY make sure they write that “I did not kill myself” letter NOW and not wait till the FBI comes to the office to seize all the evidence and identify any witnesses, so they can make sure neither one is ever seen or heard from again…

  2. Tony R
    AUGUST 2, 2022 AT 10:19 AM
    “But all will be forgiven if Visa will pay for employees to travel out of state for their abortions.”

    …I suspect Visa has already paid quite a many abortion expenses for the pediatric victims of the depredations of Pedo Pete and so many others, it’s just a different kind of evidence to get rid of and Democrats are certainly well veresed in THAT…

  3. I don’t see this as a good ruling. This will cause credit card companies to drop all porn related businesses. While I personally don’t consider that to be a bad thing, I am concerned about this ruling being applied to other industries. If this ruling stands, it would not be much of a stretch to apply it to firearms, liquor, or any other industry that may be decreed to be harmful.

  4. This is exactly why American Express banned using cards on porn (and gambling) sites decades ago. The potential liability of financing crime was too big a risk in their estimate. With Visa, it’s basically a bank by bank decision, and all the issuers are competing with one another.

  5. Not only visa but also includes mastercard, discover, american express. The low-level affiliates of these entities are those high-interest rates credit cards often using the brand names and peddled to consumers online and by postal mail.

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