Federal Prosecutor — Local DA is making up nonexistent law to charge Michigan shooter’s parents – IOTW Report

Federal Prosecutor — Local DA is making up nonexistent law to charge Michigan shooter’s parents


Andrew McCarthy — “I really think it’s outrageous, I mean I understand it because people are very hot, emotions are very raw, this was a heinous heinous act.”

“It’s going to be the subject of a prosecution where the kid who did the shooting who’s going to be treated as an adult which the prosecutors have the discretion to do is appropriately looking at multiple life counts and attempted murder counts, you know he can’t live long enough to serve the number of years that are going to be imposed in this case but we’re not supposed to make criminal law on the fly,” he said.

“And the state of Michigan has considered a number of times enacting a law, this child access prevention law that many states have adopted which would make criminal what happened here which was the that the parents allowed the child to get access to the weapon.  But the state of Michigan has decided not to enact that law.”

“And you can argue that that’s a good thing or a bad thing but the fact is it’s a thing and it’s up to the legislature to make the criminal law so what happened here is they don’t have a law to prosecute what the parents did even though the legislature’s considered it and not enacted it.” more

26 Comments on Federal Prosecutor — Local DA is making up nonexistent law to charge Michigan shooter’s parents

  1. That DA was showboating much like Marilyn Mosby did when she announced she was going to try all of those Baltimore police officers with an expensive trial over Freddie Gray’s death. People like them cost the taxpayers too much money for cases they won’t win.

  2. The Feds are going to bigfoot this case. They’ll find a way to get the parents.

    “…the fact is it’s a thing and it’s up to the legislature to make the criminal law so what happened here is they don’t have a law to prosecute…”

    I guess Andrew missed all the states bypassing their legislatures to create new election rules in 2020.

  3. It’s Michigan and if Gretchen wants this couple prosecuted, then like with Delta House, she’ll put them on double secret probation and prosecute them for manslaughter.

  4. As they are taking up arms against The Constitution (especially the armed street soldiers), are patriots taking them to the nearest walls? Are the court prinxesses sending them directly to the gallows waiting rooms?

    Then there is no Law(TM). There is only what can we get away with.

    (Patriots demand getting away with no more than rolling over, on the couch.)

  5. Will a prosecutor go after the parents of Timothy George Simpkins? Why all the fervor over this kid and not the same for others who commit similar acts? What about the Wisconson terrorist? Where did that horrific story going? I guess they needed someone of a different race in the news.

  6. Different Tim – “Michigan’s been making up laws since Covid started.”

    That’s the truth! Fortunately, I live in a very red county and my county sheriff (Dar Leaf), at the very beginning of the lockdown, said he would not enforce her mandates. In fact, he said for families to get outside and enjoy being together!

    Mr. Pinko, if they are of a certain color/heritage, they aren’t covered under the ‘new’ rules.

  7. I can foresee a day when Prosecutors will someday charge the schools, the teachers, and the students who allegedly bullied this murderous kid, as well as the murderous kid himself.

  8. Well. on the other hand this is no longer about the gun. If you have reviewed the facts this could should have been stopped. His fucking mother texted “Don’t do it.” right before he started executing kids. School administrators knew this kid was about to blow. They found a drawing with dead people and a note “Please help me. I can’t stop my self”. There talk of them charging school administrators too. I’m good with all of this because I’m tired of assholes like this endangering my gun rights. They are putting the blame where it belongs.

  9. There are a ton of other parents that should be awaiting trial in Chicago then, Brad.

    They are putting the blame where it belongs? This is about whitey, plain and simple. The parents are in the spotlight, no one else.

  10. Immortal Fish

    About whitey? Maybe. But they don’t fucking care when black people kill each other so they don’t endanger my fucking gun rights.
    This was the perfect scenario for the gun grabbers to go ape shit. But it hasn’t happened because the DA and the Sheriff are for once putting the blame where it belongs.
    You can fuel the race bull shit, I just want to be able to keep walking around with my gun on my hip.

  11. Remember….THE PROCESS IS THE PUNISHMENT. No matter what the outcome of the “trial” the victims of the process suffer pain, anguish, financial hardship and immeasurable stress. And Prosecutors engage in this form of LAWFARE all the time.

  12. I live in Michigan & feel awful about the whole thing Brad. I also defend the 2nd amendment by voting pro-gun EVERY. FUCKIN. TIME… which BTW seems to be your main concern IRT this situation

  13. Brad
    I’d have no problem at all if this became the precedence & was used fairly/consistently in the future to help stop such tragedies. But they seem to be “expanding” upon the law THIS TIME, which is very concerning. If they are going to set this precedence, the law should be clear as to who is going to be held accountable, in addition to the shooter. That doesn’t seem to be the case currently.

  14. While the killings by the kid was indeed heinous prosecutors, politicians, and media are trying once again to demonize lawful gun-owners. They couldn’t care less about the shootings and victims but are actually and slyly focused on destroying gun ownership and rights. The underhanded fiends would try to outlaw mowing grass if it was beneficial to them and their personal bribe-taking banking accounts.

  15. Wait a minute. I thought parents were not supposed to get involved with their child’s education and the school’s progressive brainwashing. Oh, but it’s suddenly the parent’s fault when a miscreant like little Ethan flips out? Can’t have it both ways, folks.


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