Federal stockpile of N95 masks was depleted under Obama and never restocked – IOTW Report

Federal stockpile of N95 masks was depleted under Obama and never restocked

Wash Exam-

In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.

A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished with the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak.

Charles Johnson, president of the International Safety Equipment Association, said that advice was never heeded.

“Our association is unaware of any major effort to restore the stockpile to cover that drawdown,” he said.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar reported last month that only 12 million N95 masks were available in the stockpile, “a tiny fraction of the 3.5 billion masks one of Azar’s deputies later testified the nation’s healthcare system would need,” the Los Angeles Times noted.

Bloomberg News reported similar findings last week, noting, “After the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog [of] orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”


14 Comments on Federal stockpile of N95 masks was depleted under Obama and never restocked

  1. Please forward this info to Governor Cuomo-homo.

    He can wipe the obozo-brown off his nose as he realizes his messiah, and their shared socialist stupidity, are responsible for deaths in NYC that are not Trump’s fault.

  2. I heard a report on one of my Detroit area radio stations that Apple was donating 9 million masks that they had stockpiled. They were being praised by the liberal host of the talk show. My question is why the hell did Apple have 9 million masks?

  3. Like Nancy’s biggest political loser power play the other day, the LSM is in NO WAY gonna be able to hide these facts. LOL!

    Gloria Burger on CNN was right out of the gate trying to defend Homo Cuomo right after PRESIDENT Trump called out his ass on the ventilators which he CHOSE not to stockpile back in 2015.

  4. If we spent money on the masks how could we have sent billions to the Ayatollah of Iran? I mean, roadside bombs against our troops ain’t cheap. C’mon. President Obama had his priorities.

    Obama voters….ok…..all democrat voters….own this. Period.

  5. Different Tim, clean rooms. Any possible contamination is eliminated, at least attempted to be eliminated. They probably go through several per day for each employee.

  6. Obama…the muslim call to plant IEDs to kill
    Americans…is the most beautiful sound….
    OK. He didn’t say that. It was kind of close though.
    He loves their call to prayer, which includes the admonition to kill infidels, and took billions of dollars that he stole from you and financed them.

    Did I veer too far out of my lane? Does Obama hate you?
    Loves Bergdahl. Hates real Americans. Spied on
    Political opponents including tea party and Trump.

    Pretty sure I didn’t veer too far.

  7. Just remember folks, Barrack Obama does not see American People like we daily do.

    No way will there ever be another Barrack Obama (Thanks, Obama!). Laziness and hate is the only thing you have injected into our Country.

    Secretly, you have conspired (over the long term) to destroy our Country.

    Have known it. Know it now.

    The next post-president assassin in our History shall likely be a Black American.


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