Feds: Avenatti hasn’t filed an income tax return since 2010 – IOTW Report

Feds: Avenatti hasn’t filed an income tax return since 2010

DC: Former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti hasn’t filed an income tax return since 2010 and skipped out on payments in 2009 and 2010, according to federal prosecutors.

The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday that Avenatti, now facing federal indictments in both New York and California, appears to have been living the life of luxury — all while allegedly stiffing Uncle Sam on a regular basis.

In 2009, the IRS reports that Avenatti claimed some $1.9 million in personal income — but never paid his tax bill, which amounted to $570,000. He allegedly repeated the same move in 2010, when he claimed $1.2 million in earnings but never paid the $282,000 he owed on that income.

Since 2010, the IRS reports that Avenatti did not file tax returns, either personal or for his law firm, Avenatti & Associates, in spite of bank deposits totaling $18 million and $38 million respectively.

Remoun Karlous, an IRS criminal investigator, wrote in his sworn statement that in that time, “Avenatti generated substantial income and lived lavishly.”

While allegedly failing to pay taxes, the bombastic attorney appears to have also racked up an impressive number of luxury expenses:

23 Comments on Feds: Avenatti hasn’t filed an income tax return since 2010

  1. 2010… While Lois Lerner was using the IRS to punish and harassTea Party groups, this sleazeball was living high on the hog and keeping all his loot. If he’d have kept his mouth shut about Trump, he’d probably still be strutting and preening now. I hope he starts bleating about Trump using the IRS to punish him.

  2. Kinda hard to file a return when all of your income is obtained solely from shakedowns and other ill begotten sources. Most extortionists don’t have 1099’s filed with the IRS against them, so both parties essentially are committing tax fraud. But hey, we need to see Trump’s taxes!

  3. Gee, I wonder if his democrat friends are interested in giving him the kind of sweetheart deal smellot got…..oh, yeah, he’s got no money left, and he’s white, so that ain’t happening.

  4. I was going to search his Twitter feed to see if he ever railed on about Trump’s taxes only to discover he made his account private. People with verified accounts aren’t supposed to do that. But Avenatti does it all the time, the little shit.

  5. Sosiopathic scum, perv, tax cheat – perfect democrar.

    No wonder joy behar calls him a “friend” of her show.

    All the things the left accused Trump of – they are.


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