Feds Give Up Trying to Prosecute Giuliani – IOTW Report

Feds Give Up Trying to Prosecute Giuliani

Citizen Free Press

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will not face criminal charges over his interactions with Ukrainian figures in the runup to the 2020 presidential election, federal prosecutors revealed in a letter to a judge Monday. Prosecutors with the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan said they made the decision after reviewing electronic evidence gathered in raids on Giuliani’s home and law office in April 2021.

Federal prosecutors had examined whether Giuliani should have registered as a foreign agent.

“Based on information currently available to the Government, criminal charges are not forthcoming and the grand jury probe that led to the seizure of Giuliani’s electronic devices has concluded.” More

8 Comments on Feds Give Up Trying to Prosecute Giuliani

  1. Now that the damage is done, we will call “mission accomplished” and drop the charges until we determine a further need. Take heed Republicans especially those of you with ties to Trump. We will haunt you and destroy you. The DOJ.

  2. had he been formally charged, he would have then been entitled to discovery
    sort of a bit ironic, that is there
    they would have had to provide him with what he was being investigated for seeking to obtain
    they knew that from day one. It was just harassment.
    That, and a waste of Guiliani’s money for defense.

  3. Ooopsie!! Our FTX money laundering scam is coming out full force. We need to drop any cases that could potentially cause more sunlight to be directed at Ukraine. It was fun when WE set the narrative but now that it is getting out of our control it is no longer fun or useful.


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