Female Narcissists on TikTok Can’t Understand that POV Isn’t About Them – IOTW Report

Female Narcissists on TikTok Can’t Understand that POV Isn’t About Them


First off, what is the “POV” meme?

Well, it’s a funny or ironic video that is filmed from the creators point of view – meaning, the creator is not actually IN the video, they (and you) are simply looking at the scene or object from their perspective.

That’s the entire point of the “POV” meme (pun intended)…

It’s a funny look at a situation or an object from someone else’s vantage point.

But women are not understanding this and are screwing up the meme so badly that now, the mainstream media has actually stepped in to help. MORE

7 Comments on Female Narcissists on TikTok Can’t Understand that POV Isn’t About Them

  1. They will be single the rest of their lives because men of quality won’t stay with a stupid woman. I know I won’t. If she isn’t even close to my intellectual level then I can’t deal with it.


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