Fisking A Slate-blogging Dummy – IOTW Report

Fisking A Slate-blogging Dummy

In recent years, white supremacists have tended to avoid taking part in national politics in the belief that both parties have been conquered by nonwhites who pursue their own racial interests over others.

This opening paragraph is an arguable point, only included to explain away the growing numbers of voters that are expected to turn out for Trump this election. Tsai wants to be able to say these are dormant racists who have suddenly found a reason to vote.

This year represents a sea change. Rarely have so many open racists flocked to a presidential candidate’s banner as they have done for Donald Trump. They have shown up at rallies to do gleeful battle with Black Lives Matter protesters and jumped at the opportunity to serve as Trump delegates to the Republican National Convention.

You see, if I have legitimate arguments and issues with Black Lives Matter, I am simply a racist. Openly.

And I am gleeful that Black Lives Matter protestors exist because I just want to do battle with black people. It’s what I live for.

The reasons for white nationalists’ renewed hope in mainstream politics are more complicated than the caricature of jackbooted youths saluting one of their own. Trump has disavowed the endorsement of overt racists such as David Duke, but somehow white nationalists have “never been more optimistic.”

I remember people in jackboots (literally) showing up at polling places with nightsticks. They stood around with menacing glares, looking as if they were protecting their home turf. These were black people. The Obama administration cleared them of wrongdoing, which never made black racists more optimistic.

Despite Trump’s profession, “I don’t have a racist bone in my body,” his brand of race-fueled populism promises to reforge broken psychological ties among large swaths of demoralized white voters, whether or not they self-identify as white nationalists or belong to extremist organizations.

Can white people be demoralized about the path that blacks have been led on by progressivism, believing it to be the wrong path, not serving the best interest of America, without being racist? I believe that this is possible. I won’t be intimidated or shamed into believing otherwise. Sorry.

Trump seeks to recreate a coalition that includes dislocated rural workers and dissatisfied denizens of urban democracy, the relatively prosperous and the hardly working, weary defenders of the Old South and armed isolationists in the Pacific Northwest. Through a mix of policy and symbolism, Trump unites them all with a sneering form of nationalism that, more than ever, helps rekindle the racial consciousness of mainstream white voters.

Is there a form of nationalism that doesn’t make a leftist sneer, besides their love for “Americans” who adhere to the nationalism of their former country?

Nothing warms my heart more than an American nationalist, irrespective of their color.

A key to Trump’s appeal is that his agenda to “Make America Great Again” revolves around an iron-fisted leadership style for which many disaffected white voters have been searching.

Making America great again would benefit every American. Paranoid twats, like Tsai, think white people’s version of making America Great Again means shooting non-whites. This is called projection. It’s obvious that twits like Tsai think that whiteness needs to be eradicated in order to make America great (I omit the word “again,” because leftists do not think America was ever great), they are teaching it in college. Openly.

The fractured elements of white nationalist America, meanwhile, perceive Trump to be the embodiment of the Aryan warrior, a mythic figure who will liberate white people from their current state of malaise, infighting, and almost certain extinction. White nationalists trace their lineage through Northern Europe (some claim to descend from the Lost Tribes of Israel) and find their role models in the various soldiers and statesmen who supposedly defended the purity of the white civilization. Today, any person of Western European stock can theoretically become an Aryan warrior by swearing to preserve the white race, but some white supremacist groups believe a single figure will be called from among the people to fulfill a more unifying role. Trump, who is of German and Scottish ancestry, fits the ethnic profile of this savior to a T. But it’s Trump’s political self-presentation that is truly arousing.

I’m looking to Trump to liberate me from progressivism. I stand by my right-wing brothers of every color in that hope. I was also looking forward to this liberation through Raphael Cruz, the great white Aryan Cuban.

Unhappy white Americans are not monolithic, Trump’s appeal goes beyond his potential Aryan saviorhood. In a Republican Party that has tilted decidedly rightward, he outflanked Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz—figures who are more faithful conservatives than Trump—by shrewdly appealing to a complex belief system shared by many disgruntled white voters. But for the most extreme of these resentment-oriented citizens, Trump’s appeal is manifold. These citizens believe that the founding generation established the United States as a republic for the pursuit of liberty and happiness as white people alone define those ideals.

If there was another country that adhered to a constitution written exactly as ours was, and they adhered to that document, and defended that document, I would live there no matter what the dominant color of that country was.

Members of this alt-community despise pluralism, bristling at any emphasis of race, sex, or gender differences.


America is not supposed to be a collection of alt-groups, each vying for advantage and leverage via their race, sex or gender differences.

Many distrust liberal education, which is blamed for fostering white guilt and destroying a sense of racial identity among whites.

Shall I list the story after story after story where colleges foster white guilt? Is this dope kidding me?

A number of them fear the global economy (this ranges from a philosophical objection to laissez-faire economics to a more conspiratorial conviction that big banks, Jews, and nonwhites are together subjugating the white race).

JEWS! (Who are we using them for today?)

Sensing their influence greatly diminished, such individuals have opted out of electoral politics. They have felt abandoned by the old Democratic Party after it became the party of black civil rights and betrayed by the modern Republican Party, which has cynically used dog-whistle politics to gain their votes without, in their view, doing enough to safeguard their interests. Some of the discontented have become radicalized, joining patriot groups, separatist strongholds, or white supremacist organizations.

Who are these 80 year-old fossils who feel abandoned by the old Democratic party who have become radicalized and are joining supremacist organizations?

For Trump, as for the white nationalist community, sovereignty and maleness are forever interlinked.

Is this a tantamount admission that minorities are forever unlinked from the nationalist community?

Anxiety about biological and cultural extinction is pervasive among these disaffected whites.

Anxiety about cultural decline is pervasive among Americans.

Before his downfall and death, Richard Girnt Butler gathered self-identified Aryans to his compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho. On social media today, racially conscious whites assemble around the hashtag #WhiteGenocide or lodge their grievances at (Trump once actually retweeted a user named “White Genocide.”)

Ironclad proof if I ever saw it. Trump is Hitler.

As you read the following, keep in mind that #BLM has largely excluded whites from participating in any role of importance within their movement because… because they’re white.

The late David Lane, an influential Aryan thinker and member of a violent organization called the Order, helped popularize the view that the white race was “now a small minority in the world,” beset by forced integration, intermarriage, and “inter-species compassion.” According to this worldview, only those who aspire to the ideal of the Aryan warrior can restore the civic republicanism of America’s forefathers and save the white race. Enter Trump.

The cultural image of the Aryan warrior combines romantic masculinity, chest-beating race pride, and a relish for legal violence. Lane’s writings put the Aryan warrior in explicitly political terms. His tract 88 Precepts prophesies the coming of the “strongman,” who will emerge in the late stages of a dying democracy. That figure will display a keen ability to see that “political, economic, and religious systems may be destroyed and resurrected” in ways to prevent the eternal destruction of the white race. Some will call the strongman “a dictator,” but Lane insists that a ruthless leadership style “is the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by a democracy.”

Trump’s style of governance seems to fulfill this prophesy: His entire self-presentation is a rebuke to liberalism and gradual legal change. Instead, he promises political revolution through charismatic leadership. Trump’s vulgar, unvarnished manner of speaking and his penchant for favoring extreme measures—the very characteristics deemed unpresidential and dangerous by his critics—are seen as not only refreshing but also as essential for the rebirth of the Aryan nation-state.

Nope. It’s essential to beat back the advancement of the people who seek to destroy the constitution and replace capitalism with socialism, and eventually, communism. This has been historically bad for people of every color.

When Trump calls Hispanic immigrants “criminals, drug dealers, rapists,” and vows to “take our country back” from those “taking our jobs” and “taking our money,” white nationalists hear Trump telling the same uncomfortable truths about the sorry state of white society they have voiced for decades.

ILLEGAL. You left out the word “illegal.”

Every time he eggs followers on to forcefully confront detractors or swears to “take out the families” of terrorists, he projects a muscular approach to protecting the white republic.

Terrorists kill everyone. Even dimwitted Asians.

His calling card is a plan to build a massive wall between the United States and Mexico to stem illegal immigration and somehow force Mexico to pay for it.

Who pays for it is not important. I’ll kick in my 100 bucks. I’ll check off a little box on my tax return and send in the check.

Policy analysts have scoffed at this proposal,

You mean leftists.

but its real power lies not in policy but in metaphor, one that taps into a hardened, survivalist mindset. It is an image that resonates with a community that already believes it is losing the war against nonwhite civilizations. When Trump ritually invokes the wall or recommends the creation of a national deportation force, he signals to this constituency that he agrees the future of the white race is at stake.

No, dum-dum, this is about open borders with a welfare state. The two are incompatible. Dump the welfare state and the wall is negotiable. No skin off my apple. I think Spanish chicks are hot.

And on that note, I’m done reading this schmuck’s Slate thesis.

To Aryans, a resurgence of public masculinity is central to sovereignty. They believe that the power to command others, and then to spark a revolution, emanates from one’s power to control the traditional family. This is why Trump’s crude comments about female appearances and the proper role of women excite rather than repulse these core supporters. It is also why, in trading on fears of white male helplessness, his claims that “Mexico sends its people” to rape and pillage and that China is “raping our country” through unfair trade practices appeal so powerfully to the racist mind. For Trump, as for the white nationalist community, sovereignty and maleness are forever interlinked.

Additionally, the scorn heaped upon Trump simply confirms for these racially motivated white voters that they have discovered the right leader, one who might defeat the forces of liberalism and multiculturalism that have corrupted American law. Lane urged white people to select a strongman “wisely.” “Choose one who has sacrificed all in the face of tyranny; choose one who has endured and persevered,” he writes. “This is the only reliable evidence of his worthiness and motives.” On this front, Trump has more than proved his mettle by drawing the arrows of his enemies in the Republican primary and emerging more powerful for it, while the battlefield is littered with opponents who underestimated him.

How far can he go? Trump has actively courted fringe parts of the electorate by assenting to their racially inflected diagnosis of what ails America and has thrown his support behind whites-first prescriptions. From this point on, Trump’s ceiling as a vehicle for white nationalism will depend on the willingness of mainstream voters to take responsibility for his promise to restore white self-governance and his systematic scapegoating of nonwhites.

By casting himself as a virtuous guardian of white people’s welfare and claiming a“mandate” to be provocative, Trump has gotten further than any similar politician in recent years. Win or lose, as the presumptive Republican nominee for president, he is already more successful than Pat Buchanan or David Duke, which makes him the most prominent Aryan warrior of the modern age.

18 Comments on Fisking A Slate-blogging Dummy

  1. As a contractor I have to do business with all kinds of people.
    In my experience, the Asians are the most racist. That is followed at a close second by the middle easterners.
    Moe will tell me that I am wrong for thinking this guy is projection, as he did in the last example, but this refrain gets heard on an almost hourly basis.
    Racists tend to think everybody is racist. It is human nature to believe others are like oneself.

  2. Not long after Obama beat Hiliary, I said, along with many others, that we need to elect on old white guy to be the leader of the world so that he could be criticized without the critisizer being called names. That hasn’t worked out so well so far. The new republican leader calls everybody childish names, but if I question any of his policy positions, I get attacked relentlessly by his supporters, some even tell me to suck my mothers dick right here on this site. Others are even worse.

    BFH is the most anti-racist, anti homophobe conservative that exists on the interwebs, and Trump may be that way as well, but Trump supporters are not. Many Trump supporters are the most vicious people I have ever encountered as a whole. Their reputation is deserved.

  3. Look here Robert, can I call you Bob? Bob with two o’s.
    What we have here is called civilization.
    It was built by White people
    The water runs and the sewage goes away.
    For the most part, the majority of folk can make a decent life for themselves.
    I enjoy no privilege. I bust my ass.
    You, on the other hand are in the ranks of those who eat due to largess of others. Your money comes out of the holes in the budgets that all the tax money falls through.
    You have no material purpose.
    You are chaff.
    Behave accordingly.

  4. In the beginning I liked them all. Then it started to whittle down. I lost some guys I liked. But swich! they were gone. Then there were four that liked as President of the United states: Cruz, Trump,Carson,and Rubio, in that order. I sent donations to Cruz, Carson, and Rubio. Yes a waste of money, just like I wasted hard earned money on Romney, Ryan, McCain and so on.
    I am not bitter that Rubio, Carson, and Cruz fell to the wayside; I can live with Donald Trump. I never met him but I have worked on his buildings and know him to be a fair and decent man when dealing with workers.
    What bitterizes me is the likes of Rich Lowery, Johah Goldberg,Bil Kristol,National Review, the Weekly Standard, and, yes, Mark Levin; all of whom tore into Trump with rip roaring insults, and yes, Glenn Beck, asshole supreme, got his two cents in. They all make me sick, except Levin, he seems to be coming around.
    Here at IOTW some of you accuse Trumpers of being vicious.
    That is bullshit! The viciousness comes from the republican elite, and those we put in office in 2012 to “DO SOMETHING.” They did nothing. They sold us out.
    Now it is down to Trump and that crooked, lying bitch,
    Killary. Who do you want?
    Never thought I could get that rant over without a freeze. Good night and God Bless America.

  5. the likes of us said nominate trump and your on your own, we won’t vote for him, and you didn’t believe us. Now y’all have to elect trump without us. Y’all got what y’all asked for.

    Never again 2020.

  6. “It is human nature to believe others are like oneself.”

    You continue to amaze me. Do you live in a cave in the Hills Of Oakland. Only really weal minded people MIGHT do that. Which explains a lot. But I can tell you here and now, you and I are not even in the same time zone.

  7. Menderman “the likes of us said nominate Trump and you’re on your own.”
    Well fuck it then, if you don’t come to my funeral, I won’t go to your’s
    “The likes of you” are pretty pathetic

  8. Tommy,
    Dude. You won’t even believe what’s been taking place in my life. I’m gaining family members due to a cousin spitting in a container for DNA check. WWII shit. How fitting for this day.

  9. “I’ll bet they find out you’re a fucking Viking and your ancestors got their asses kicked in the Battle Of Clontarf,near Dublin, in 1014, by King Brian Boru.”

    If you knew how close to reality you are with that statement you’d shit that blarney stone you’ve been carrying up your ass for all this time. LOL. You’re either physic or you’ve been drinking to much warm beer again. LOL

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