Florida Man Arrested For Driving His Van Into GOP Registration Tent – IOTW Report

Florida Man Arrested For Driving His Van Into GOP Registration Tent


A Florida man intentionally plowed his van into a tent full of Trump supporters registering people to vote Saturday. The six volunteers in the tent narrowly avoided being struck by the vehicle.  More

22 Comments on Florida Man Arrested For Driving His Van Into GOP Registration Tent

  1. I caught this story yesterday and the twitter comments were saturated with people calling it a false flag, setup and fake news. They’re silent today for the most part. Eyes and haircut scream Bernie supporter.

  2. Glad they caught this Antifa/Butt-hurt Bernie Boy. Original article I read said he escaped. I guess now wherever GOP registrations take place, a wall of those portable concrete road construction barricades will have to be placed around them to keep this from happening again. We can’t post armed guards to stop it as the Progs would make sure we were the ones jailed for protecting ourselves.

  3. Let’s see if this thug gets twenty years, like Cesar Sayoc. Probably not, since Gregory Timm only targeted deplorables with an actual deadly weapon, while Cesar Sayoc mailed harmless fake bombs to precious Democrat Elites.

  4. It’s not attempted murder because no one was in the tent, exercising their most sacred voting civil rights I might add, but he thought they were?

    This was an attempted mass murder at a voter registration drive.

    How is that not front page news the same as if someone was setting black churches on fire.

    This is equal or worse than Charlottesville in its intent. Watch his GoFundMe takeoff.

  5. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up getting a plea deal for something like disorderly conduct and received a meaningless sentence for it.

    That’s the norm for violent Leftists from what I see lately.

  6. That’s the left foot soldiers – dumber than a box of rocks and easily misled.

    (fyi – AOC, I know rocks don’t have brains and they can’t put themselves in a box – it’s just a met-a-phor. Okay? Don’t waste your time trying to figure it out)

  7. He’ll be getting a taste of socialism that he seems to love so much when he’s passed around in jail and shared among the goons. After a couple days of that he’ll be found by a guard hanging lifelessly in his cell.

  8. I wonder how long the cops had him before notifying the press? Long enough to start deleting any of his connections to the Antifa/Democrat/Liberal crowd and especially to of the current contenders for the Democrat Presidential Nomination I suspect.


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