Florida Man Who Claimed to Inspire Garland Attack Arrested for 9/11 Memorial Bomb Plot – IOTW Report

Florida Man Who Claimed to Inspire Garland Attack Arrested for 9/11 Memorial Bomb Plot

Blaze – A 20-year-old Florida man who claimed to inspire the Garland, Texas, attack was arrested by authorities for plotting to bomb a September 11 memorial event in Kansas City, according to a criminal complaint and its supporting affidavit.

U.S. Attorney A. Lee Bentley, III announced Thursday that Joshua Ryne Goldberg of Orange Park had been taken into custody for distributing information online on how to create a pressure cooker bomb to be used at a memorial event this weekend marking the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.


ht/ Bubba’s Brother

If convicted, Goldberg faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison.

According to the affidavit in support of the criminal complaint, Goldberg first appeared on law enforcement’s radar following the attack on the Texas “Draw Muhammad” event.

Using an alias of “Australi Witness,” the 20-year-old wrote in a post that he was an Islamic State supporter and was the individual who inspired the Garland attack. The affidavit noted that one of the attackers retweeted him ahead of the attack.

7 Comments on Florida Man Who Claimed to Inspire Garland Attack Arrested for 9/11 Memorial Bomb Plot

  1. Typical coward muzzie sort.
    (yes, I know that’s redundant)

    When caught, tries the excuse that he did it because he wanted the guy who was actually making the bomb to die.

    That’s Bomb. James Bomb.
    What a maroon.

  2. And Barry Hussein 0bama, in the mean time, wants to hurry up and shut down Gitmo and just let the world’s most evil terrorists go back to what they do best – killing non-muslims. They should both be on death row for their terrorist acts against America.

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