Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA Prompts Pending Release of Potentially Damaging Report – IOTW Report

Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA Prompts Pending Release of Potentially Damaging Report


Public education may not be the sole reason younger Americans seem less smart based on a recent report about flouride.

“The human body of evidence provides a consistent pattern of findings that high fluoride exposure is
associated with decreased intelligence quotient (IQ) in children,” concluded a 2019 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Such findings by government scientists may explain why the Environmental Protection Agency has dragged out a lawsuit from the Flouride Action Network. The group wants the U.S. to end the practice of adding fluoride to public drinking water, arguing the health risks of doing so are not worth fewer cavities. MORE

12 Comments on Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA Prompts Pending Release of Potentially Damaging Report

  1. Fluoride is a neurotoxin, it causes the nerve endings to slowly quit working.
    That’s why they put it in chemical warfare, drinking water, toothpaste and vitamins. They have been killing us slowly for decades and we will still die with bad teeth.

  2. “The human body of evidence provides a consistent pattern of findings that high fluoride exposure is
    associated with decreased intelligence quotient (IQ) in children,”

    “The human body of evidence?” are you shittin me? The human body and the body of evidence are not the same thing.
    What else is there? The vegetable body of evidence? The mineral body of evidence? The ape body of evidence? The bloated, noxious, Michael Moore body of evidence?

    Maybe it’s not important, but that kind of shit makes the whole premise suspect, as far as I’m concerned – it’s like a tiny pinch of shit in the ice cream – I ain’t gonna eat it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Used as rat poison in the 1930’s.
    We know for a fact that it does nothing
    good for your teeth.I have to re-adjust,
    re-bias and re-calibrate my self from time
    to time to deal with the abject morons I face
    on a daily basis……dumber and dumber we become.

  4. I grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
    I remember hearing that our water was naturally high in fluoride, and something about our city being a proof that fluoride helped prevent caveties.
    That was many decades ago, and before internet access to information and searching for answers was even a dream.
    My memory is poor on any details, as I was about 9 or 10 when I first became aware of the subject back in the 50’s.


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