Fooling The AI Eye – IOTW Report

Fooling The AI Eye

Computer designers have known for some time that you can confuse an artificial intelligence program’s interpretation of a scene placed before it’s monitoring camera by adding certain images.

Called adversarial images, some have worked out a way to put these images on stickers so they can be used to trick the electronic eye of an AI system anywhere they may be looking.

As we rely more and more on AI to scan and review all the incoming visual data from  numerous security cameras, expect to see more of these strange stickers around to befuddle the constant watchers.


7 Comments on Fooling The AI Eye

  1. The more the surveillance state relies on recognition software to handle all the visual information they gather from their ubiquitous spy cameras watching everyone all the time, the more freedom lovers are going to find ways to fool the programing and run amuck because they think they see everything but they’ll miss the most critical details.

  2. The AI Borg will “learn” what these
    stickers are and then it will learn
    the next level of fake-me-out stickers and then
    it will send the mini-drone with 3 gm.s C-4
    that punches a small steel rod into the forehead
    of the human that is creating the stickers…

  3. The day will come when no one can keep up with all of the buggin’ ‘n snoopin. Everything will be “autonomous.” THEN!! Then, Pinky, then, people can take over the world!!!1100111!!

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