Ford backs off on plan to cut AM radio from vehicles amid outcry – IOTW Report

Ford backs off on plan to cut AM radio from vehicles amid outcry

Just the News- The Ford Motor Company on Tuesday announced that it would not eliminate AM radio from nearly all of its new vehicles amid considerable pushback from lawmakers and consumers.

“After speaking with policy leaders about the importance of AM broadcast radio as a part of the emergency alert system, we’ve decided to include it on all 2024 [Ford] & [Lincoln] vehicles,” wrote CEO Jim Farley on Twitter. “For any owners of Ford EVs without AM broadcast capability, we’ll offer a software update.”

“Customers can currently listen to AM radio content in a variety of ways in our vehicles – including via streaming – and we will continue to innovate to deliver even better in-vehicle entertainment and emergency notification options in the future,” he continued. “Thanks to our product development and manufacturing teams for their quick response to make this change for our customers.” more here

24 Comments on Ford backs off on plan to cut AM radio from vehicles amid outcry

  1. So, they chose to keep the more expensive antennae that can pick up AM but disable the ability to use it through a software change that costs money?

    Seems they don’t like people listening to Conservative radio, if that exists anymore (stopped listening after Rush passed on.)

  2. I haven’t listened to AM radio since…well back in the day when RADIOMATTM was spinning disks back in the day. One of his successors on my local AM station I happened to know socially told me they were going to a TALK FORMAT! I told him if I wanted to listen to talk, I’d just stay in the same room with my wife! I’m going to FM Classic Rock!

    And YES, I never listened to RUSH (just the rock band)! I have a short fuse and couldn’t chance it.

  3. My first car was a ’68 Mercury Monterey – only came with an AM radio. All we had for aftermarket when I was in hi skrule was Sparkomatic & Kraco – which rhymed with “Break-O,” so Sparkomatic it was!

  4. My 67 ford is a 600. (pursed lips and bugged out eyes a la Zoolander)

    At the Derek Zoolander Center for Children Who Can’t Read Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too

  5. I live where vehicles go before they die… so like limbo or something. Damn old timey cars all over the place.

    This 390 is cheaper than the MOPAR 440 but doesn’t have the same totally tits interior. It’s been modified…

    I just need to kick the 390 habit.

  6. “Customers can currently listen to AM radio content in a variety of ways in our vehicles – including via streaming…”

    Anybody else notice the blistering stupidity in this chestnut?

  7. Geoff – I’m with you! I really enjoy listening to baseball while doing other things, especially when there is a good announcer like the Cleveland Indians have! Not only that but the spoken voice sounds better on band-limited AM over the crispness of FM. Don’t get me wrong, FM is great for music, but there’s something (nostalgic?) about listening to voice on a good AM radio.

  8. geoff the aardvark and TRF, my dad used to take his transistor radio to the game when he would take us kids to see the Tigers play. One ear always had the radio glued to it! Whenever something happened on the field that we didn’t understand, all the men around Dad would ask him what happened! He loved it.

    I miss Dad.


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