Former Men Still Have to Register with Selective Services – IOTW Report

Former Men Still Have to Register with Selective Services


The Biden administration’s requirements for who must register for Selective Service in the event that there is a draft includes those persons that identify as trangender but are born male. “Almost all male US citizens and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service,” and that includes males who identify as transgender. More

17 Comments on Former Men Still Have to Register with Selective Services

  1. Cause they’re STILL MEN.Everyone knows this, but are just placating some poor folk, who current culture tells them they should identify as other than their born gender.

  2. How convenient. Hey, Fuckhead Joe, how come swinging dicks matter now when it comes to talking about the draft, but it matters not when speaking of swinging dicks say….in a girls’/women’s bathroom? 🤔 /s

  3. First came the feminazi emasculation of men.

    Then came the Queering of men.

    Then the regendering of men.

    See how Satan works? He is the surreptitious burglar exploiting a weakness in our defense.

    Once in he is never content to just ransack the place, he must kill the parents and rape the kids. Hate to be so graphic but that’s where we are today.

    Literally, the slow boil of acceptable perversions and the contaminant esclative destruction of masculinity has led us to the point where males today are but a shadow of our predecessors, and the male youth of today are mere shadows of us.

    Sad, but that’s how Lucifer operates.

  4. Why are women exempt?
    I’ve seen 105# women beat the living shit outta 230# men (in movies), throwing them 15′ or more and kicking them 20′.
    I’d say that’s just what we need in the Armed Forces!
    Stone killers!
    Certainly tougher than any soy boy who cut off his junk so he could pretend to be a girl and suck more cock.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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