Fort Bragg Deaths Stateside Spike (1 Every 3 days) So They Stopped Announcing Soldier Deaths – IOTW Report

Fort Bragg Deaths Stateside Spike (1 Every 3 days) So They Stopped Announcing Soldier Deaths

Geller Report:

Fort Bragg quit announcing soldier deaths at the end of July 2021

It’s no wonder. Soldiers were dying there at a rate of 1 every 3 days in August. More Biden corruption.
Congress, on the hand, is concerned with renaming Fort Bragg. more h/t joe6pak

11 Comments on Fort Bragg Deaths Stateside Spike (1 Every 3 days) So They Stopped Announcing Soldier Deaths

  1. But, please, journos, do tell us more about Russia’s bedraggled army of conscripts which is losing badly.

    Lloyd Austin needs to be court-martialed.

  2. Looking at the bright side, if Goobermint eliminates the military, we won’t have to wonder whose side they fight for in the imminent Big Boogaloo ! 😯


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