Fourth of July Fireworks Mishap – IOTW Report

Fourth of July Fireworks Mishap

ht/ jd hasty

29 Comments on Fourth of July Fireworks Mishap

  1. When we were grade schoolers, all the boys in the neighborhood had fireworks.
    Lots of the stuff made huge booms and have been outlawed for many years. Our favorites were cherry bombs, M80s, and silver salutes. Sure, we would take out a mailbox or two, but we figured the old curmudgeons who sprang through the front door to yell at us to get the hell off his lawn had earned it. As pre teens, we had knowledge and much respect for the destructive power of the fireworks and no one ever even came close to doing something really dangerous with the stuff. The people in this video are too stupid to be able to purchase it.

  2. Could be GloboNATO in Ukraine, metaphorically, if we’re not careful.

    Principal Poop, I remember all of the big fireworks from the mid-20th century, and all of the horror stories in the news, and the backlash and banning, followed later by the backlash against the banning and the headlong rush into insane yard munitions for the general public. The stuff they’re detonating in the cul-de-sac now is just an over the top, expensive waste of powder. Given the state on our nation, it’s become a massive display of sound and fury, signifying nothing, and the deeper into decay we sink each year, the bigger it gets. And China is making big bucks off of our diversion.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining about the spectacle, so much as the growing hollowness of the holiday. And I am amazed that our Safety Overlords haven’t swooped in to take away all of the dangerous fun. But I suppose they’re more concerned with the really dangerous Second Amendment fireworks at the moment, so I guess we should blast away with the fun stuff while we can, and save the real stuff for when they try to tell us that we can’t.

    downer rant /off

  3. That’s what the filthy, usurping pedophile Biden ( is doing to America, and it ain’t no “mishap” – it’s intentional.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In the 1970’s there was a whole family of buzzkills that lived a couple blocks away. They had an above ground swimming pool that had redwood stained slats all around it. No one admits to it, but I’m pretty sure I know who it was that spent the better part of the night putting an M80 between each of the slats all the way around the pool and twisting the fuses together before lighting it at about 10:00 on the fourth, just as the rest of their relatives were showing up.

  5. I had to stay in the enlisted dorm on a certain Air Force base for about a week immediately before leaving the service. One night, there was a power failure due to a thunderstorm. Some malcontent thought it would be funny to launch a huge rocket down the corridor on the third floor as GI’s were out there playing cards and such. The rocket hauled ass down the 300 foot corridor banging against the walls as people hit the deck screaming. Hilarity ensued! The malcontent was never caught. (tee hee)

  6. I just light the dang things. Never used them for shenanigans.

    Except in Port Angels. They had these black and white big firecrackers called zebras. The perfect size for opening mailbox flaps. Even rusted sticky ones. I mean, if the door wouldn’t open initially…the explosion warped the box enough outward that the door would flop open and smoke would come out.

    Every time. Hours of fun. BOMPFH! …flop….creak creak creak…smoke tendrils…

  7. Did you notice:

    The MEN ran AWAY from the danger to save their stupid asses.
    The WOMEN ran TOWARD the danger to save their babies.

    Say all you need to know about men these days. Rush was right.

  8. I would have stayed up to watch that happen. I went to bed at 8 knowing the fireworks would be boring – but that episode was truly a real 4th fireworks. I noticed the first thing Mom did was grab the baby.

  9. Remember the days when i would straddle across two blades of a fork truck and rise to about 20 ft to swap out a dead ballast.
    They don’t make kids the same way anymore,nor do i blame them.

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