Fred On Everything Has a Few Questions For #BLM – IOTW Report

Fred On Everything Has a Few Questions For #BLM

I’m distilling Fred’s rant down to a few of my favorite questions.

Do you want white policemen excluded from black neighborhoods?

Do you want any policemen in your neighborhoods?

What laws do you want cops to enforce in your neighborhoods?

…cops need to know what they are expected to do. Should they stop people drinking in public, or allow it? Dealing drugs? Illegal parking? Public urination? Looting? Prostitution? I don’t care. Make any decision you like, but tell the cops clearly, and do not penalize them for doing what you tell them to do.

What should cops do when a criminal resists arrest? 

Let us suppose that in a black neighborhood a cop sees a wanted drug dealer, rapist, killer, or burglar. He says, “You are under arrest,” and the rapist or wanted armed robber or coke dealer says, “Fuck off, white boy.”

What does BLM want the cop to do? Nothing? Something? What?Specifically, what?


It’s a good rant, worth bookmarking and sending to any loon in your life.

ht/ nm


7 Comments on Fred On Everything Has a Few Questions For #BLM

  1. Fred has a way of cutting through the bullshit better than anyone else I can think of, and some of the people here at iOTW are pretty damned good at that, too. This current number of his is even better than most.

    Fred Reed is a national treasure even though he lives in Mexico. I have signed up for email alerts exactly twice in my 25+ years of ‘net use and Fred is the only one still active.

  2. @CrankyWW – Fred doesn’t do comments. If I were as seriously vision-impaired as he is I wouldn’t be able to tackle the comment-wrangling job his kind of writing would generate. If you write him an interesting and polite email he will answer more often than not.

    BTW – He has a bunch of books of his older writing, but two very good detective mystery novels. Recommended.
    Triple Tap
    Killer Kink

  3. Out here the police have been reduced to providing burglarized home owners with a case number to present to the insurance company and little else. North Portlandian gangs run rampant around here “free shopping” at will because they know there aren’t enough cops on the street, and the ones who are aren’t anxious to appear on YouTube or be the subject of the next outrageous black racial incident.

    Racism?? You damn betcha…

  4. The solution is to build a wall around Manhattan, and fill it with the detritus of the nation. Inside, the inmates can compete with each other to become the Duke of New York.

    Like in that John Carpenter documentary that has Kurt Russell in it.

    This is actually starting to look like a good idea, btw,

  5. NYPD is already practicing reactive vs. proactive policing after deBlah Blah rescinded the “stop and frisk” policy. Many big cities have backed off aggressive policing tactics because of recent events. Crime is going up because this is what the people want. Have at it, folks. We’ll still get paid, in full, on time, with a great retirement plan.

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