Freudian Flip? Trump Signals What He Thinks of the Marxist/Globalists at the G7 – IOTW Report

Freudian Flip? Trump Signals What He Thinks of the Marxist/Globalists at the G7

You should take a look. It’ll be everywhere soon.

Was this overt?

Was it a Freudian Flip?

22 Comments on Freudian Flip? Trump Signals What He Thinks of the Marxist/Globalists at the G7

  1. Hummm. He looked a tad annoyed just before Frenchy got to greeting everyone. Then he looked more annoyed, then he flipped off the Frenchy, then he relaxed and a big grin spread across his face.

    I can imagine the ENORMOUS pressure that those climate assholes were exerting, and so I don’t blame him a bit. Sometimes ya gotta vent.

  2. As many have noted, Barky was notorious for flipping the bird. That bird Trump flipped was not for Frenchie, it was for Barky and the MSM. Master Troll, PDT is.

  3. Yup, he’s trolling them.

    What does it matter, Europe is lost anyway. Let’s watch
    this month how eurabia deals with the ramadan attacks. Stoopid
    phuckers they be.

  4. He’s getting pressure from all sides. Even the Pope: with all the Christians being slaughtered around the world this Pope thought the only thing to give Trump was an encyclical on global warming. Stand fast, President Trump! Don’t let yourself be swayed by the commies, no matter what they look like.

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