Friends of the Earth, Keepers of the Sacred Waters, Makers of an Ecological Disaster – IOTW Report

Friends of the Earth, Keepers of the Sacred Waters, Makers of an Ecological Disaster

The protest camp in support of the Standing Rock Reservation’s opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline is about to become a bigger threat to the reservation’s residents drinking water than the oil being moved through the pipeline they so hated.

Only about a quarter of the mess has been cleaned up and spring is coming on fast.


Besides the mountain of garbage, the tons of human waste, the abandoned buses and trucks are the dogs left behind among the ruins.

13 Comments on Friends of the Earth, Keepers of the Sacred Waters, Makers of an Ecological Disaster

  1. The ” Injuns” have the have the balls to post TV commercials complaining about their children being sent to the “Settlers” to raise them. Just go to one of the reservations. The pharmacy has all of the hairspray locked up like cold medication with ephedrone. They drink it to get high, unfortunately it destroys your brain function. Next time they need “Zombies” for the Walking Dead head for the reservation. Yea send money to NARF.

  2. You should read the comments on the article. They are despicable blaming the oil company for staging the dumpsters and lying about the garbage. Talk about heads up their asses–at least they can smell what the locals have to smell.

  3. Hats off to Oregon cops, game wardens, BLM types, whomever. Anyway, hunter dudes say officials go thru hunting camps and write down all your personal information. After you leave, if they find one blade of grass out of order you get a phone call and the choice of cleaning it up right effin now, or you get to pay one helluva fine.

  4. The dogs are probably Rez dogs. The scavenging is better at the protest than around the Reservation.
    The treatment is most certainly better.
    The next big protest that happens they should spend their time building a fence.
    Charge them with trespass and environmental damage and they can serve their sentence right there cleaning the place up.

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