Gableman’s Lawyer Gives Robin Vos Cover for Not Decertifying 2020 Wisconsin Election – IOTW Report

Gableman’s Lawyer Gives Robin Vos Cover for Not Decertifying 2020 Wisconsin Election

An attorney for the former state Supreme Court justice undertaking a review of the 2020 election said decertifying the election is no longer possible, just weeks after his client suggested to the same lawmakers that the Legislature consider the move.

James Bopp, who represents GOP special counsel Michael Gableman in a public records lawsuit, said legislators had the authority to intervene between the election and Jan. 6, 2021, the day Congress counted the Electoral College votes.

“You had the authority in late November,” Bopp told the Assembly elections committee. “If you felt that the election was so corrupt … you could have intervened.” More

This despite evidence of massive ballot trafficking in just three counties in Wisconsin. Here

For an update on True the Vote’s findings in Wisconsin go to the 22:00 mark of Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast. Listen

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