Galoomphy Lies In His Announcement Video – IOTW Report

16 Comments on Galoomphy Lies In His Announcement Video

  1. Hey DemoRATS your #1 inspiration, model and example is running for Senate. please stand up and cheer! Alan will serve you well as he is the perfect DemoRAT and will, i’m sure, be a credit to you, your party and all the dirt, filth, perversion, criminality, hate, lies, ugliness, illegality, anti-Americanism and crapola that you stand for!

  2. Please; Galoomphy has overcome a tremendous amount of hardship in life to get where he is today. After all, his genealogy starts with the union of a toaster oven and a waffle iron.

  3. His latest hardship is annulling his 25 year marriage and making his five kids illegitimate.

    He cannot even negotiate a decent divorce settlement. He’d rather go “scorched earth”. Great kinda’

  4. I still want to know what’s in his mouth. Notice how his upper and lower lips don’t align correctly. Its like he keeps something big and round in there a lot.

  5. Does he have to give up his position in congress now? If not, then why is he allowed to run for Senate?

    If you want to run for a different political office, then the instant you declare for that different office, that becomes your explicit resignation of your current office. The people voted you into office and are entitled to full time representation; whether from their US Senator all the way up to Dog Catcher.

    This way, if you lose, you’re gone.

    Personally, I don’t even think the democrats want this in the senate.

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