Gas prices are now higher than in zombie apocalypse films – IOTW Report

Gas prices are now higher than in zombie apocalypse films

12 Comments on Gas prices are now higher than in zombie apocalypse films

  1. Now that Joey has driven up the prices to this level, with some help from OPEC, he has finally decided to ban russkie oil, so you can expect it to go up from here. And no, you cannot blame Russia for the entire price increase. Cali was seeing $5+ before Russia did anything

  2. The “green transition” excuse is weak sauce as is the Ukraine war. Everybody with 2 brain cells knows we can at least cheapen oil prices by drilling here and have a reliable supply. Idiots like psucki just make themselves more idiot like trying to cover for brandon.

  3. I was in our small town in TX early today and the cheap station at HEB was at $3.69, it had been $3.49 last weekend and under $3 the weekend before. Every pump was full the entire time I was there. Seems everyone is topping off daily now. Of course there was a HEB worker in a booth all alone wearing his mask to add to the insanity. People should be putting stickers up that say if you voted for Biden YOU DID THIS.

  4. @Dry gulched March 8, 2022 at 1:06 pm

    > Idiots like psucki just make themselves more idiot like trying to cover for brandon.

    Retard Rights are Human Rights!

  5. lol LBS, I worked at a gas station in 1978. I remember those things. There were a lot of them. It was one of the first self-serve stations around, and I have a distinct memory of a customer fumbling with his keys in the gas cap behing his license plate. I think gas was about 55 cents a gallon at the time.

  6. What do you mean you remember those? Should I send you photos of the ones on my trucks?

    Someone siphoned a quarter tank from me last year right from my driveway.

    I DO top off every day, so I immediately saw the loss.

    And gas was nowhere near what it is now.

    Just wait for the fathers that can’t afford to feed their kids because of all this.

    Everything you have is fair game at that point.

    You better have a place to go out of town and stay.


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