Gay-Straight Alliance on Campus Trying To Block Chick-fil-A – IOTW Report

Gay-Straight Alliance on Campus Trying To Block Chick-fil-A

Duquesne University wants to open a Chick-fil-A on campus, but members of the Student Government Association are attempting to block the franchise. Their reasoning is that their campus is a “safe place” and that if they allow a Chick-fil-A “that maybe people will feel that safe place is at risk.”

If the students on this campus can’t recognize a BS statement trying to hide a political agenda, then they don’t deserve a Chick-fil-A. It will serve as the first of many lessons of progressive lies and misrepresentations to hide their true agenda that ends up hurting the majority to the satisfaction of a favored group.


22 Comments on Gay-Straight Alliance on Campus Trying To Block Chick-fil-A

  1. And yet the Muslim Student Association is allowed to operate there. Years ago I looked at the MSA West site and under “questions about Islam” they plainly stated, unapologetically, that Islam was incompatible with western democracy and ideas of freedom.

    Liberalism will tolerate themselves straight into death and hell.

  2. Syphilis must have infected these ignorant gay brains. There are many stores I don’t shop in, but it has nothing to do if they are gay or straight owned. In most cases I don’t even know.

  3. How about beans and wieners and fish sticks on Friday like a good Catholic school should be serving during lent.
    From the Duquesne home page.

    Duquesne serves God by serving students through:
    1 Commitment to excellence in liberal and professional education
    2 Profound concern for moral and spiritual values
    3 Maintaining an ecumenical atmosphere open to diversity
    4 Service to the Church, the community, the nation, and the world
    5 Attentiveness to global concerns

    Save your money and go a couple hours east to Catholic University of Steubenville.

  4. “Profound concern” for moral and spiritual values???
    What the heck does that even mean?

    How about we leave the moral and spiritual values to the person and not insert what we think our or others “concern” might be.

  5. Don’t give in. Progressives know they don’t have to take over everything all at once. All they have to do is get you and others to compromise a little now, and to ignore the monstrosity those little compromises together will soon become.

    The road to ruin is travelled in many small steps. Every fool thinks his next step will be his last.

  6. They opened a Chick-fil-a in liberal, gay friendly, sanctuary city Portland, OR last year. It is so busy you can hardly get in the place. So much for the SJW boycott. We get our C-F-A down at this end of the state this year!

  7. Thee fucking longhaired filthy hippy pampered & cosseted special snowflakes want to ban Chic-Fil-A?

    FINE, make them eat nothing but Krusty brand Imitation Gruel!

  8. How much more safe can a fast food restaurant be than a Chik-Fil-A. They are the friendliest with the best customer service of any fast food place I’ve eaten at. I just wish there was one closer to Spokane than Kalispell, Mt., but I do get to go to that Chik-Fil-A occasionally when I’m up there making deliveries. I’m trying to cut back on fast food but I will make an exception for them every once in a while.

  9. Chick fil A is all the things the left says they want corporations to be. But Chick fil A does their good works quietly because they believe it is the right thing for Christians to do, not virtue signaling.

    They will hire as young as 14 1/2 BUT they limit the number of hours they can work and they MUST maintain good grades. This is part of their mentoring the younger generation (my daughter was one of those and it was a great experience for her).

    Chick fil A will help to pay for college for anyone who has worked for them for more than 1,000 hours. The amount is based on grades – tuition could be fully paid.

    Every owner has to work their way up before they can buy a franchise. Retired airline pilots start as fry cooks. No one can have more than 2 franchises. They want hands-on management.

    Chick fil A will advance the funds for folks who have worked for the company, have the right stuff and want to own a franchise but don’t have the money.

    Chick fil A has special events every week where profits from the night are split with schools that promote the restaurant.

    This is the way America used to be when we all agreed on what was right and what was wrong.

  10. Twice I had Chik Fil A back East when I visited, and never forget it–it was THAT delicious.

    We don’t have it in Alaska, and I wish so badly that we did. Man that place is awesome and we’d love it to death–why do they want to go to that podunk university? Come here!!!

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