Gee, what would happen if Hillary and Trump tie and then Hillary dies? – IOTW Report

Gee, what would happen if Hillary and Trump tie and then Hillary dies?

Law Newz seems to be concerned that this will happen, so, we better get cooking on a solution STAT!


With the polls getting closer between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, there is a very real possibility that we could end up in a ‘contingent’ election. That means that if no candidate wins a majority in the Electoral College, the race would be decided by the U.S. House of Representatives, with each state delegation having one vote. With Republicans dominating the House that could hand the election to Donald Trump. But, that’s not guaranteed. So let’s run through some other scenarios. For one, there is concern about Hillary Clinton‘s health, especially after her stumbling spell and pneumonia diagnosis. And let’s be honest, 70-year-old Donald Trump is not exactly a spring chicken either.


As we’ve pointed out, in almost every step along the way, there is a contingency process in case something happens to one of the candidates. If Clinton wins, and then falls ill/dies before she’s inagurated, the 20th Amendment says Tim Kaine would become President.  If she drops out before the election, the Democratic Nation Committee would pick a new nominee.

But, there is ONE interesting scenario that would quite literally send the nation into quite a bit of chaos. If 1) the election is tied, 2) the vote is being decided by Congress, and 3) one of the candidates dies. If all three of those things happen, there is literally NO process in place for what happens next.

“It would be horrible,” Michigan State University Law Professor Brian C. Kalt..


That wacky Kalt. Never one to not state the obvious.



17 Comments on Gee, what would happen if Hillary and Trump tie and then Hillary dies?

  1. I can’t see this election ending in a tie. Too much time is left and Hillary is going to be under the spotlight when she returns to the campaign trail with all eyes on her. Things will happen that will sway the undecided to one camp over another.

  2. no way this election ends in a tie … this is just mental masturbation for legal ‘scholars’
    every twitch, every twinge, every tick, every smirk, every breath, every pause, every shake, every blink, every stumble, every swallow, every cough, itch, or other involuntary reaction of illary is going to be analyzed, categorized, theorized, speculated, pondered, questioned, scrutinized, debated, ‘conspiritorized’ from here to election day …. the dem-rats are committed to dragging her, literally, across the finish line
    … & the People can smell the stench of rot a mile off

    to quote the eternal wisdom of my Great-Granddaddy … “That there ain’t right”

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