Pamela Geller:

High powered weapons, suicide bombers and grenades. This is war.

“Allahu akbar!” That all-too-familiar battle cry kicked off six Islamic acts of war on the people of France. Muslims set off on a murderous rampage in Paris Friday night, killing at least 166, including at least 100 concertgoers at a music hall featuring an American rock band. The death toll spread across six sites in the city.

Devout Muslims were celebrating the attacks on social media.

One of the apprehended jihadists reportedly stated, “I am from the Islamic State.” Hundreds of thousands of these savages have invaded the continent.

“Terrorist attacks of an unprecedented magnitude are in play in Paris. It’s horror,” French President François Hollande said. “We have mobilized all forces possible to neutralize the terrorists.”

At the concert hall, the merciless jihadis murdered their hostages one by one, as the non-Muslims begged for the lives of their loved ones. Paris police said that the siege ended when French forces killed at least two of the jihad murderers inside the hall.

Hollande ordered a state of emergency in Paris. He also closed the country’s borders. Too little, too late. After the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the subsequent murders at a Jewish grocery in Paris in January, what more warning did Hollande need?

more here


  1. Anyone who is sitting in the comfort of their home thinking Paris is a world away and the problem is over there better think again. In the past several years all we’ve been hearing about jihadis is the biggest threat comes from “home grown” converts — as though they are acting on their own. Home grown or not, the orders come from the top. And as regards obama’s haste to bring Syrians into America — without, btw, any way to identify them, track them or deport them — I can’t help but think he has grown impatient for the home grown tactic to take hold in greater numbers.

    I am so glad he made that comment about ISIS being contained on the same day this happened. He is either dangerously stupid or an enabling traitor. There’s no halfway on that conclusion.

    We Americans have got to do two things immediately: 1) Strike back at all gov’t officials who advocate Syrian migration, and 2) Strike back at all media outlets who try to cover up the facts of islamist attacks here. We must not convince ourselves that our puny efforts are not worth our time.

  2. Appeasing them, including them, coddling them or negotiating with them is fruitless and more importantly dangerous. It only buys them time to dream up some new horror! They need to be killed on a wholesale basis. Every time they pull something like this take out an entire muzlim nest. The only thing these cave-men understand is a larger hammer, pain and death! You simply cannot reason with this insanity.

  3. For a long time it galled me that our country gave every benefit under the sun to illegal immigrants. I thought, this is something that’s too expensive, and we should stop it.

    Now I’m thinking we should stop it more to achieve the goal of making the country as inhospitable as possible to illegals. Why give your kid an allowance for him to buy a gun and shoot you?

  4. I can’t wait for the day when we find out all the names of Soros and his globalist buddies who persuaded Western leaders that welcoming Muslims and opening the floodgates was a good idea.

    I posted something to the Bullpen a couple days ago, The Rivkin Project, that shows it to be the UN’s doing in 2001, but there had to be more than that and much earlier for the West to have been cannibalized to this degree.

  5. The knife attacks at UC Merced were a terrorist attack. The Ft. Hood Massacre was a terrorist attack. What about all the other terrorist attacks by muslims in the US? These were ALL terrorist attacks. How many more times?

  6. Here’s a partial answer rechill –

    2009 Little Rock recruiting office – shooting on June 1, 2009, killed Private William Long and wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula when Abdulhakim Mujahid Mohamsandwich opened fire with a rifle in a drive-by shooting on soldiers.

    Then we have Nidal Dik Hasan at Fort Hood committing his so-called “workplace violence” fatally shooting 13 people and injuring more than 30 others.

    Najibullah Zazi who attempted to blow up the New York City subway in 2009

    Hosam Maher Husein Smadi tried to plant a bomb in a Dallas skyscraper in 2009

    Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had a bomb in his soiled underwear (2009) which failed to detonate however it did cause Janet Incompetano to errupt with her inane statement “the system worked!” (no it didn’t)
    BTW – Don’t the disingenuous, knee-pad media get away with trying to tell us that just because it failed it doesn’t count! Bullshit!!

    John Patrick Bedell (a muzlim convert), shot and wounded two Pentagon police officers at a Pentagon security checkpoint (2010)
    Faisal Shahzad planted a massive bomb in an SUV parked in Time Square which failed to go off (2010).

    In 2010 Chicago synagogues discovered explosives packed inside two printer cartridges shipped by cargo planes from al-Qaida in Yemen as a result of a tip received from Saudi Arabia’s security chief. (Good work DHS)

    Muhammed Youssef Abdulazeez, killed four Marines and injured many others.

    And who can forget the Boston Bombers in 2013 in which tips from Russian Intellegence were flat-out ignored!

    Knifings, shootings, car attacks, etc. etc.
    All under the Obamboozler’s Finger-pointing, belly-aching, Bush-blaming, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Benghazi Bullshiting, community-organizing regime! No doubt there’s more where that came from!!

  7. It isn’t the radical Islamist that is the threat, it is the progressive movement. The radical Islamist is only another weapon that the progressive movement uses to destroy western civilization.

    That being said the radical Islamist element needs to be destroyed in total period, but without the recognition that they are but tools of the progressive movement and the utter and complete destruction of that plague this bullshit will continue even if the radical Islamist element is eliminated.

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