Geraldo is such a tool – IOTW Report

Geraldo is such a tool

What if this lady showed up at, ohhh, I dunno, a wedding?

If she knocked on his door he’d call the police.

ht/ jason chisel

32 Comments on Geraldo is such a tool

  1. Compared to Jerry Rivers, Juan Williams seems almost reasonable. They were talking about silly college courses on The Five, Juan was quick to point out his kids never took any. I truly LOL, yelled at the TV: “Duh Juan, they are conservatives !”

    I suppose that’s one way for fat ugly women to get people to notice them, besides the hairy pits and gorilla legs.

  2. “Performance Art” :
    the excuse creepy people use to “be themselves” in public.

    I wonder what would happen if some guy peed on her while she was out there, and told her that was his performance art.

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