Geraldo Rivera’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Convinced Him Trump is Right – IOTW Report

Geraldo Rivera’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Convinced Him Trump is Right

Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera says his 11-year-old daughter helped him realize that Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall between the U.S. / Mexico border is a good idea.

17 Comments on Geraldo Rivera’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Convinced Him Trump is Right

  1. What does that say about your intellect if it takes an 11yo to set you straight?
    Jerry Rivers, look around you, there are a lot of people smarter than you or your 11 yo.
    Maybe you should STFU and listen sometime.

  2. What a sellout! I’d have more respect for him if he had just stuck to his principles (if he can be said to have any). You can bet you wouldn’t be hearing this lame story about being influenced by an 11-year old if Hillary had won the election. Just like the former Nevertrumpers, he has to be on the winning side.

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