Germany Admits 75% of Refugees Will Be On Public Dole For Life – IOTW Report

Germany Admits 75% of Refugees Will Be On Public Dole For Life

Way to collapse your country. Way to screw over your citizens.

Merkel should be exiled to working farm on a remote island… with refugees.

Freedom Outpost-

Geller: Germany’s refugees — and there are many — will by and large be on the public dole for life, according to a new study provided labor officials.

It’s good to be a refugee in Germany — you qualify for a lifetime of taxpayer benefits.

Aydan Ozoguz, the country’s commissioner for immigration, refugees and integration, said in an interview with the Financial Times that only a quarter of those being granted shelter in Germany would ever make it to the self-sufficiency stage.

For the rest?

Public assistance and taxpayer benefits would be their lifetime reward, he said.


ht/ annie



24 Comments on Germany Admits 75% of Refugees Will Be On Public Dole For Life

  1. Francis Fox Piven should be wealthy beyond imagination. As the surviving spouse of Richard Cloward, developing the Cloward-Piven Strategy to collapse the United States under the weight of Welfare, and was a de facto member of the Communist-Organizing Marxist, Muslim Mallard’s cabinet, she should be receiving royalties from Germany, France, England and and the Scandinavian countries who are all on this sleigh (slay) ride to Hell!

  2. Since Germany has so much money, they should build a giant green energy plant.
    If they want to eat, the refugees can spend ten hours a day pedaling stationary bikes or run on treadmills hooked up to generators to power the city.
    Especially the children. This will keep the little bastards out of trouble.
    This way they won’t get out of shape and develop health problems due to lack of exercise.

  3. The USA is up to nearly 50% on various forms of welfare, and that is BEFORE counting “refugees” and other recent immigrants. Look up the word ‘unsustainable’ in the dictionary. You’ll find it right under the picture of Elon Musk explaining his Mars Colonization Plan.

  4. “Arbeit Macht Frei”.

    Create glorious Worker’s Camps where all migrants can express their undying permanent Gratitude!
    Call them Gratitude! Workers in Gratitude! Camps. Work output will be called Gratitude! Gifts.
    Make the Gratitude! camps extremely safe and secure. To celebrate their specialness, Gratitude! Workers will wear special free clothing. Mandatory. Also tracking chips.
    And special electric collars to encourage cheerfulness! In addition to required Gratitude.
    German corporations can buy, sell, and Trade Gratitude! Workers as they see fit.
    Some can work in exciting areas like Nuclear Waste disposal. Others may only be able to contribute Sex Work. Most will be able to contribute to weekly Gratitude! blood donations, and everyone will contribute to Gratitude! Organ donation.
    Imams will initially be allowed to spread the good word that Islam Requires Gratitude!, but after the initial acclimation phase, Islam will be phased out and all remaining Imams will become Total Organ Donors as part of the national Oktoberfest Gratitude! Harvest.

    A modest proposal.
    A final solution.

    Gratitude! Macht Frei.

  5. It’s the FULL CATASTROPHE invited by a traitor to destroy her own country. It’s not like the Germans didn’t already have enough problems with the permanent guest workers who never assimilated after decades. How is this any different than Obama and Jarrett inviting all of Mexico and Central America to invade our country?

  6. As long as Germany runs the Euro, Greece will pay for it. And France. And Spain. And Italy. And Greece, again. When you run the banks, there’s no end of other people’s money. Soviet economists proved it. It’s settled science.

  7. @ Poor Lazlo June 24, 2017 at 9:06 am

    Maybe one of the STEM girls can whip something up: Generators work — so I’ve been told, I think the science might(?) be settled — by moving a conductor relative to a magnet. So, just give the New Germans copper machetes, and let them swing, slash, and stab to their hearts’ content, between two magnets. Maybe even give them some stylish, black VR goggles. Even the little ones could use copper, kitchen knives. Is copper haram? No matter. I’m sure Germany’s welcoming college girls will come up with something.

  8. @Rufus T Firefly June 24, 2017 at 9:32 am

    Um, ah… Mr. Firefly? I know that slogan is in German. But you do know that it was made famous in Poland. Right? I’d guess The Frauer putting the New Germans on trains to Poland would solve the problem. Without all the extra infrastructure. But what would President Trump do about Poland returning to Her historic borders. Assuming the Germans complain, of course.

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