Get Out There and Try and Draw a Walk – “OKAY, COACH!” – IOTW Report

Get Out There and Try and Draw a Walk – “OKAY, COACH!”


14 Comments on Get Out There and Try and Draw a Walk – “OKAY, COACH!”

  1. well, since the K zone is defined as an anatomical area from the armpits (now days ‘chest’) to the midpoint of the knees … when you crouch in the batter’s box it certainly does matter!

    anyone ever heard of Eddie Gaedel?

    Little League coaches constantly send up the shortest batter, as pinch-hitter w/ exactly that instruction …. happens all the time

  2. Fuck that kid. The Umpire should have called a halt and told the batter to “Stand in the batters box.” Or just ejected the little shit for that stunt.

    Not sorry, that kid didn’t show up to play baseball. Screw him.

  3. Oh, I should elaborate. Long before junior hockey was popular in and around the Pacific Northwest, it was here due to the NORAD influence at McCord AFB. Practically the entire baseball team’s first love was playing hockey at Lakewood Ice Arena. We were known as from the Philadelphia Flyers philosophy. In fact our coach used to say: What kind of pussy takes that kind of shit off anyone when standing there with a piece of lumber in your hands. He also used to say: If you are that uncoordinated that you can’t take the puck away, see if you can manage to knock him off his skates and then at least you might have a chance of coming up’s with it.

    The military kids tended to play a bit rougher than the others.

  4. vid doesn’t show up for me
    my comment was just about how the batter’s box changes w/ each batter, by height & stance.

    & coaches do this all the time … & yes, it follows the rules …. maybe we should give everybody the same, autonomous strike zone, huh?
    that way, if I’m only 5’3 & crouching, the strike zone is still above my head … yeah, that’s fair!

    pitcher’s gotta pitch to the strike zone ….. Play Ball!


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