Giant Supermarket Being Shoplifted Right Out of D.C. – IOTW Report

Giant Supermarket Being Shoplifted Right Out of D.C.


The Giant Food store in Ward 8 of Washington, DC is apparently the only supermarket in that area and now it could end up closing due to rampant theft.

People who live in the area are worried that it may end up becoming a food desert.

This is where this issue of unpunished crime has been headed for months. How are stores supposed to stay open and operate if they are victims of constant theft? More

36 Comments on Giant Supermarket Being Shoplifted Right Out of D.C.

  1. Don’t like/want a “food desert”?
    Then why don’t you get together as a “militia/group/whatever, and patrol the store – YOUR store – and stop the thieves before they can run off with the groceries – YOUR groceries.
    YOU want to reap the benefits? YOU might have to get off your duff and DO something about the situation.
    Be sure to bring plenty of friends, armed with plenty of tire bats.

  2. But the end result is the residents will be with out a local food supply, the pavement apes will travel to your hood. Sooner of later some ones going to need to stop them.

  3. “People who live in the area are worried that it may end up becoming a food desert.”

    But not so worried that they will actually do something about it, or stop voting for democrats.
    My sympathy meter is showing “E”.

  4. ^^^ Brad & Jethro are correct
    be prepared, when the “oppressed” venture out for supplies-n-such, they’re already hyper-emboldened to take anything they want with force and without fear of consequence

  5. I follow Byron Rodgers, ceo of Bravo Research. They’re a protection/threat assessment out fit based in L.A. A trend that’s growing out of control is the smash and grabs out of cars. Occupied or not. You got your driver, second man is armed and covers the third guy who smashed the window and grabs what ever they can steel. They’re not pulling this crap in the slums, they’re driving to wealthy areas and tourist destinations.

  6. I was a loss prevention officer for two years very recently in a store in northern Michigan. Meijer. You could watch them do it on the monitors, you could go out and spy on them in the store, and you could go to the doors and encourage them to come back, but you certainly couldn’t say anything negative to them, and you certainly couldn’t put your hands on them. People walked out with groceries, camping equipment, electronics, everything you could think of every day. If your cameras in the parking lot got their license plate number, you could give that to Police , but nothing more. This is a Northern, Michigan where that sort of thing isn’t supposed to happen, in a small town. It’s happening everywhere and all of these stores are going to shut down and you’ll have to shop Via an app on your phone soon. It’s terrible, I finally quit. No point in trying to help. Your hands are tied.

  7. When the SHTF, millions will abandon the cities. In cars at first, and then on foot, they will be looting, burning, assaulting, raping and killing as they fan out into the rural areas where people still have food, water and cooking/heating fuel. That’s when you’ll need the 1000’s of rounds you’ve stockpiled (hopefully).

  8. “People who live in the area are worried that it may end up becoming a food desert.”

    I just got back from two weeks primarily in rural Montana followed by Stampede Week in Omak. I’m a gonna tell you straight up that if they tried that shit in any of those communities the residents themselves would beat you unconscious. I was in Helena for a couple days, Billings for a day and a half and Great Falls for an afternoon. I’m skeptical that shit would fly even in Helena or Billings.

    Fifteen thousand in the rodeo arena at Omak standing and singing I’m Proud to be an American and that was a repeat of what I witnessed at the Montana State Fair Big Sky Pro Rodeo in Great Falls.

    I sent Fur a video I took with my phone from Omak. Hopefully he can post it.

  9. @ Leslie
    You’re right about the order online thing. Most want to look around for things in the store, but the store needs to make money not just stand there and give it away.
    One of the problems is these criminals think they deserve it, I know what they really deserve.

  10. Leslie,
    I live in northern MI as well. Got a Meijer her as well. Nice town, lots of tourist and plenty of places to shop. Amazingly there is a food desert here as well. Seems when the drew the line they left out a shopping center with a food store out by cutting the line just short of it and not including a strip mall on S. Airport on the north side of the road that has a Mexican market as well. Odd?. Some how people couldn’t walk an extra 50 feet to shop.
    Not sure what town you live in but I’m guessing your pretty close to me.

  11. “When the SHTF, millions will abandon the cities”

    Don’t forget the 30% of our population that just got here by walking across the border. What do think they will do when the free shit runs out? They’re coming for yours. That’s when those “Assault Weapons” turn into suburb survival tools.

  12. Dear Titus Flavius,
    First, I’m a male, so, if anything, I’m a “Karl”, not a “Karen”. And I’m not trans anything.
    Second, I don’t demand that anyone do anything. I just offer sage elderly wisdom and advice to try to help people out of the situation that they got themselves into. If they choose to follow my advice, great, let me know how it turns out. If not…..well……see ya later.
    Now, go back to your grave and stop persecuting us Jews and Christians.

  13. Cmn¢¢guy: when you have a long link like that from a retailer, you can cut off the question mark and everything after

    TCtsunami: I am from TC, and I have been as far from it as I can get ever since. for those who don’t know: one industry: kissing tourist ass. pucker and smooch!

  14. It’s not just the rampant shoplifting, it’s the gangs, loitering, fighting, people being mugged and carjacked in the parking lot. Near me the supermarkets bailed out of the inner city a couple decades ago.

  15. @ SNS AT 8:58 PM

    Missoula and Bozeman are shitholes. Missoula has been since I was wearing three cornered pants on visits to my aunt. Bozeman was infiltrated by fucking idiots in the 1980’s. Butte is something else altogether though. Still blue collar Democrats, but if anywhere in the country is Democrat machine controlled, but don’t buy into their latest shit it is Butte.

    I’d really like to get that phone video posted somewhere where more people could see it. Of the folks in the stands singing, a third are Tribal members.

  16. We’ell… we’re told humans evolved in Africa. Now, there’s Asians, Pacific Islanders, Saami, all manner of Meso American natives, whites, and others. None living in Africa as ethnic home. Why? None of them liked the neighborhood so they moved, all these eons ago. The folks left in Africa are the ones that liked the neighborhood because they made the neighborhood.

  17. A local citizen of color marched into one of our local convenience stores and swooped up a bunch of liquor bottles.

    He made it two whole blocks before he was arrested.

    Even had to post bail, so he now lingers in lockup.

    Not in my small town.


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