Gillibrand (D., N.Y.)’s Gun Tweet is hilariously ‘misinformed’ – IOTW Report

Gillibrand (D., N.Y.)’s Gun Tweet is hilariously ‘misinformed’

WFB: Sen. Kirsten Gellibrand (D., N.Y.) went on a Twitter storm Tuesday against a proposed bill that would make it easier to purchase firearm suppressors, causing the bill’s sponsor Rep. Jeff Duncan (R., S.C.) to call her out in his own tweet.

Kirsten first tweeted that, “When someone gets shot by a gun with a silencer, it’s quiet. Witnesses might not hear. Police will be less likely to track down the shooter.”

She then wrote, “How can we end violence in our communities if criminals can get easy access to equipment that’d make it hard for police to solve gun crimes?”  more

SNIP: OK kids, tell Kirsten why she should silence suppress her idiotic anti-gun tweets.

25 Comments on Gillibrand (D., N.Y.)’s Gun Tweet is hilariously ‘misinformed’

  1. When I go to the range I wear innies and outies, still pretty loud. Still very identifiable as a distinctive noise. The Senator (C, NY) really should try to do some homework.

  2. Then I suppose the Police have never solved a stabbing? Knives don’t make any noise at all.

    My suppressor (yes, I have the paperwork to make it legal) is for 22 rimfire only. I’ve let a lot of people shoot it because a lot of people have never seen a suppressor other than in a movie. They almost all had the opinion they were illegal to own before I explain how it works.

    My paperwork took the ATF nine and a half months to clear. It’s not much better today. Oh, but they did manage to cash the $200 tax payment for the application within 10 days.

  3. I think Hickock45 on youtube has some suppressor analysis vids, does a good job. I think “silencers” work fairly well on subsonic .22, would be useful for an assassin. Otherwise, suppressors are not silencers and no crim is going to bother to use one.

  4. I was told you could tape a 1/2 gal. soda bottle over the end of a shotgun and it would be “silenced” – but only once.
    Never tried it cuz my shotgun’s a double and I live on 50 acres … and don’t go in for assassination.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Silencers are great for home defense, among other things. Ever fired a .45 in close quarters? Even a .22 is loud. No sense losing your hearing over some home invasion scumbag.

    I like the way the NRA is using basic logic for this bill, much like the Liberals use: “common sense”. They use that tactic with us, let’s see how it goes for them.

  6. Brian, Moe Toe – me three.

    The biggest problem in prosecuting gun violence isn’t that someone didn’t hear the shot, it’s uncooperative victims and witnesses. Most gun violence occurs in inner cities (d0h) where the ghetto creed is “Stitches For Snitches.”

  7. I used a .44 (cap and ball) to shoot a snake (copperhead) in the Goose House one morning.
    Sure wish I had had a silencer, or at least a headset – but I was a little pressed for time. Head rang like you wouldn’t believe. Can’t imagine a firefight indoors … whew!

    izlamo delenda est …

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