Goldman Sachs Big Bet On Venezuela – IOTW Report

Goldman Sachs Big Bet On Venezuela

It was reported that the financial giant Goldman Sachs bought $2.8 billion in bonds issued by Venezuela’s oil company, PDVSA, at 30 cents to the dollar. The bonds are due to mature in 5 years, and while on a strictly financial level appear to be a cheap investment, in reality the purchase lends breathing room to Venezuela’s collapsing socialist regime.

More on the questionable nature of propping up Maduro now in exchange for the long term cost to the people of Venezuela Here




6 Comments on Goldman Sachs Big Bet On Venezuela

  1. But the American economy will collapse if the American taxpayers don’t save Venezuela’s regime! Little old lesbians will starve! In America! It’s been years since America had to face such a financial calamity! You people without dual economics and jurisprudence degrees have no idea how horrible it will be for you! If you don’t pay us off!

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