GOP presidential field balloons to 14 – IOTW Report

35 Comments on GOP presidential field balloons to 14

  1. OK let me make one thing clear on my own behalf. I don’t regularly make fun of fat people just because they’re fat. However, if I don’t like you and you’re fat… Mooch and Chris…It’s on. lol

  2. I’ve said this before here. If you don’t have enough self control to do some “Push Aways” to control your fat ass, you probably shouldn’t run for President. Just Push away from the dinner table tubby.

  3. Here’s my dream team:

    Pres. Ted Cruz
    VP Scott Walker
    AG Trey Goudy
    Sur.Gen. Ben Carson
    Sec of State. Donald Trump
    EPA Carla Farina (close it down)

    Sec of Defense. Hank Johnson Georgia Rep (Dem) shows we are reaching across the aisle. and will keep the isle of Guam from tipping into the ocean. and assure that all white cops are not racists.

  4. Tommy, keep your eye on Trump. He seriously pissed me off last time. But this time around he seems serious. Name someone that will hang with him in the debates. I can name one. Palin, but she’s not running.

  5. Your list has much in common with mine.

    Trump should be at Commerce, though, not State.

    I like Alan West for Defense.

    I would shut down EPA on my first day in office and find another slot for Carly. The effing IRS too.

    Put Walker in at Labor.

    Still undecided about my dream veep. I like Sarah but want her at Energy. We need someone there who can stand up to the Greenpeace Nazis.

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