Gore in France – IOTW Report

Gore in France

(yes, the double-meaning title was intentional.)


13 Comments on Gore in France

  1. Environ-mental hero to the Dumbed-Down, uninformed, bottled-water-drinking, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, Xanax-disabled, short attention span, kumbaya-singing, Rainbow Plantation, Obama-voting liberal Honey Boo Booz and the two times stupid Lo Foz!
    Hey Al! Get off yer high horse. The oceans aren’t gonna rise in the few years you have left fat-boy, and while yer at it, go bore a hole in yerself and let the sap run out!

  2. How ironic and memorable that this fat gasbag got cut off the air after only 5 hours due to the horrific Muslim ISIS terrorist attacks….REMEMBER that next time one of these brain dead liberals tell you Global Warming is the biggest threat to Mankind

  3. As usual… Algore (Manbearpig) is out of step and cursed.

    He shows up in Paris to make a big splash atop the world’s most recognizable landmark, and what happens? The biggest terror attack since 9/11, and nobody even notices or gives two sh!ts that Al is in town.

    “Jump Al. Somebody will notice you, then!”

    Or, not.

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