Gorka Should Be a Verb Meaning “To Sew One’s A$$ To One’s Face” – IOTW Report

Gorka Should Be a Verb Meaning “To Sew One’s A$$ To One’s Face”

Sebastian Gorka donkey punching this CNN bint is great viewing.

The fakest part of CNN is their inability to admit that they are simply left-wing advocacy posing as a “news” organization.

26 Comments on Gorka Should Be a Verb Meaning “To Sew One’s A$$ To One’s Face”

  1. Yes! For the first time in my life, I’m proud of ….. Nah, that shit’s been used before. I love this video. I love S Gorka. After watching this video, I even hate ‘cnn’

  2. According to CNN website, Allison now spells her name Alysin. I guess selling ones soul to the devil isn’t the only requirement for employment at CNN.

    Sitting in silence, with the look of concentrating on a bowel movement is not polite acquiescence to her guest. She’s getting talking points from the control room.

  3. Someone please tell me what in the heck happened to Allison. I remember when she was with Fox and had or was having twins, she was the nicest and sweetest person. Now on CNN, she wears the Rachel Maddow eyewear and has turned into a b-i-itch. What are her values or is a paycheck her sole parameter for her behavior?

  4. The democrats called the abuse of any one “Borked” after how they abused one of the finest judges around, Now unleashing the hounds of truth on a liberal, he will be Gorkafied.

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