Gov. Kristi Noem Drops The Ball On Women’s Sports – IOTW Report

Gov. Kristi Noem Drops The Ball On Women’s Sports


South Dakota’s governor issued her first veto of the 2021 legislative session Friday. And it was a doozy.

Republican Kristi Noem wants state lawmakers to make big changes in HB 1217 that originally sought to prohibit athletes who were born males from participating in female sports in K-12 and public colleges. She is calling it a “style and form” veto but wants several sections removed and other sections altered.

Her news release explaining the veto is here. She wants legislators to eliminate the restriction that was sought on the state’s public universities and, in the views of some of the bill’s supporters, water down it enough to make it almost meaningless. More

34 Comments on Gov. Kristi Noem Drops The Ball On Women’s Sports

  1. Back when the battle for womens’ sports came to the fore, lots of new teams and leagues had to be developed. Why in the world not create leagues for transgenders ?

  2. @ Get a Rope MARCH 21, 2021 AT 3:07 PM

    Because regardless of what we are told, and everything we need to change, there are not enough of them to field anything resembling a league.

    The ones playing the sports aren’t good enough to compete on their own sex’s level, so they are trying to steal glory and scholarships by pretending.

  3. At least we found out she has no spine when pressured by contributors and powerful people before we voted her in as VP or Sen or Rep.
    I wonder if she realizes she has destroyed her conservative creds and any chance of being elected to national office.

  4. Could it be that this Trannie sports thing is a sneaky way to put women back in the kitchen?

    The new Virginia slims slogan 2021:

    “You’ve come a long way baby and now your going back!”

  5. The same women who will fight for feminism are the same who will kill their daughters and allow men to replace women in any standard. Dumb bitches.
    So what’s up with Noem? She wants to be their queen all of a sudden?
    She better have a good explanation for this.

  6. @beachmom. Research will show she served in the House for 6 yrs and did nothing impressionable except a trafficing law. Mostly did john thunes bidding. I was not impressed and simply put her in the rino column. But as gov, she does good work for the most part and excelled beyond expectations kicking the mask nazis in the pie hole. But, this article is from KELO tv and its reporting is and always has been extremely anti conservative. I believe she will get this bill passed.

  7. and for you newly anti-Noemers. How are you doing in your mask nazi states? I am free as a bird here but wish i could travel but i wont because of your governors.

    This sex bill lies at the heart of her Christianity and her serving Righteousness. I will be shocked if she doesnt sign the new bill.

  8. Charlie WalksonWater why did she strip out the bill? what is she signing?

    “A team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex, as reflected on the birth certificate or affidavit provided upon initial enrollment in accordance with verified in accordance with § 13-27-3.1 13-67-2.”

    You can get a judge to write FEMALE on your certificate whenever the mood strikes.

  9. Don’t see the problem. From her press release :
    A team or sport designated as being female is available only to participants who are female, based on their biological sex, as reflected on the birth certificate or affidavit provided upon initial enrollment in accordance with verified in accordance with § 13-27-3.1

    She was not striking that from the bill

  10. “For example, Section 2 of House Bill 1217 requires a student athlete to verify, each year, that the student “is not taking and has not taken, during the preceding twelve months, any performance enhancing drugs, including anabolic steroids.”

    Presumably, this requirement was included to address a student taking these drugs as a part of a gender transition, but House Bill 1217 is not limited in this way. Rather, if a male student athlete failed to make the football team, and later learned that another student on the team was taking steroids without disclosing it, the student who didn’t make the team would be entitled to sue both the school and the steroid-using student for damages.

    In addition, Section 2 creates an unworkable administrative burden on schools, who under its terms must collect verification forms from every student athlete, every year, as to age, biological sex, and use of performance-enhancing drugs; and furthermore must monitor these disclosures throughout the year so that if “reasonable cause” is found of a false or misleading form, the school can take action to avoid civil liability. ”

    But how could the person sue if that person or the person who used the steroid as an enhancer didn’t intend to use it to change his sex. In other words, What the first student is pissed about has nothing to do with this bill and couldn’t sue because of this bill.

    Schools are normally ‘burdened’ with making the students get physicals, vaccinations and drug tests anyway.

  11. ok, i’m not a lawyer, so sue me. Trannys or anyone pretending to be a different sex than originally issued is anti-God. Kristi is a tongue talking evangelical and she is going to sign a true bill that reflects Truth. She played HS BB with a championship team and as such is familiar with sports butover reacting after reading what KELO or CNN reports is just dumb. Settle down, it went back to the table.

    If she doesnt sign this into law when it comes back, then you can mock her.

  12. Well, it makes a difference because when a bill goes back and forth nowadays, the legislators get cold feet. So the ‘over reaction’ you’re seeing from some people is pretty much justified.

  13. Was i on your case? I was expressing my thoughts on Kristi and the bill. No, you didnt attack, and i didnt think i attacked, i only responded to all the BS that liberal media is trying to spread. I cannot comprehend legalise but it isnt final, there was some question in her mind and it got sent back. Our system isnt so cut and dried, my relative in gov have tried to splain it to me but to no avail. I am saying this isnt over.

    sorry if you took that as an attack. I am having an extremely difficult day.

    BTW, you are in Vegas or close? Pahrump? Are you all masked up? My wife wants to visit her sis.

  14. I myself will give her some time and the benefit of doubt for this shit to be done correctly.
    Remember, lawyers are involved.

    I think several states should band together for these type of laws to avoid the typical boycott bullshit card that is ALWAYS played when the left doesn’t get what they want.

  15. @MJA, i thought you lived in nevada.

    Kristi has rino moments. I recall when she was first elected to the house in 2008 that FOX and the media went all gaga over her because she was elected the same year Palin wasnt. She bristled every time anyone compared her to Sarah which i thought was sad.

    She hasnt done everything she promised, shes fighting tooth and nail against the pot bill the state voted for, half my super conservative friends love her, and half dont, my state senator thinks of her as a Queen (not in a good way) but my relative thats a state senator who is libertarian loves her.

  16. Wait until the Biden* Administration flies all those illegal immigrants into her state to be housed and processed. Tranny sports will be the least of her worries.

    Speaking of sports, “America is down five runs going into the bottom of the 9th Inning.” — Thomas Sowell

  17. I stand corrected. The article and press release was confusing but on the collage level it looks like she might be dropping the ball but I this is too complicated for me to understand from the one article


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